Online Students Services
An individual university email address with domain name.surname XX will be assigned to successfully enrolled students. All notifications, news, communication from the University, departments and professors will be emailed to this account. Do remember to activate it after the enrollment and check it regularly.
Get more here!
Using the Student Portal students can access the following services:
- view and update their address and contact information
- check the status of payments made or to be made
- view and print self-certification forms
- view and fill out study plans
- view their course of studies and list of examinations passed or to be taken
- check available exam dates
- reserve examination dates
- check announcements regarding opportunities to study or perform internships abroad
To access the Portal, students must enter their tax code and password.
Lost your password?
Enter your fiscal code here: an email with a new password will be sent to your University email address.
For free wifi connections on Campus use the tax code and the password for Student Portal.
Unipv campus is an Eduroam Institution. Eduroam is a service offering safe wireless access to the user network of the international scientific community. Users of the University of Pavia have to insert their credentials as:
Username: YOUR TAX [email protected]
Password: the same password for Student Portal
Users from other participating institutions shall connect to EduRoam net of the University of Pavia using the account supplied from their home institution.
KIRO is the e-learning platform of the University of Pavia, accessible to both teachers and students. On that website it is possible to find lesson recordings, resources, in-depth exercises, sample tests and many other activities to support teaching.
For information and suggestions contact [email protected]
The University of Pavia has activated the “Unipv per te” service as part of the students’ benefits.
It is a digital platform containing various discounts, online coupons or cashbacks. In the latter case, the accumulated credit can be even used for new purchases or paid into a personal current account.
To access the portal, simply register here by entering the email issued by the University at the time of registration (no other domains are accepted).
Please find here a short tutorial on how to use the portal.
For any clarifications, write to [email protected].