Organization and governance

Vice-Rector for the Third Mission: Prof. Hellas Cena
Delegates for the Third Mission:
Technology Transfer: Prof. Hermes Giberti
Public Engagement: Prof. Gabriella Bottini
Events and Cultural Paths: Prof. Federica Villa
Third Mission at the Cremona campus: Prof. Fulvia Caruso
The Research and Third Mission Area ensures integration and professional, administrative, and organizational support to internal and external structures and clients (departments, faculties, professors) regarding support in the management of university research projects, evaluation, and dissemination of research results, and knowledge valorization.
Head of Research and Third Mission Area: Dott.ssa Sofia Baggini, +39 0382 984227
Head of Third Mission Service: Ing. Lucia Marazzi, +39 0382 984942
- Dott. Claudio Cambieri, +39 0382 984941
- Dott.ssa Maria Pilar Princis, +39 0382 9861
- Dott.ssa Francesca Sgaramella, +39 0382 984019
- Dott.ssa Chiara Tomasinelli, +39 0382 984018
- Ing. Valeria Vercesi, +39 0382 984749