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The Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy aims to provide a solid knowledge of the history of philosophical and scientific thought from antiquity to the present day and a broad understanding of current debates in various areas of philosophical research (including theoretical, logical-epistemological, linguistic, aesthetic, ethical, political, and pedagogical fields). The goal of the program is not only to impart a body of knowledge but also to help students acquire the terminology and methods for problem analysis, argumentation, and the reading and interpretation of texts (including in their original languages).

Overview of the program

3 years
Coordinator of the course
Giuseppe Cospito
Humanities, Philosophy, Languages
Degree class
L-5 - Philosophy
PAVIA - University of Pavia
Year of study: 1
Choose a subject
Nel Piano di studi in nessun caso è possibile inserire due volte lo stesso corso (biennalizzare). Questa regola vale anche per i corsi di 12 CFU costituti da corsi –a e -b e per i corsi –a e –b che vanno a formare un corso da 12 CFU. Per esempio, non si può inserire di nuovo Storia romana (12 CFU) se si è sostenuto Storia romana –a (6 CFU) e non si può inserire di nuovo Storia romana -b (6 CFU) se si è sostenuto Storia romana (12 CFU). Questi vincoli valgono anche per i piani individuali. Tutte le note e tutti i vincoli indicati devono essere osservati. La non osservanza degli stessi potrebbe portare alla stesura di un piano di studi (e quindi di una carriera studente) che potrebbe risultare illegittimo e al limite invalidare la laurea conseguita.
Choose two subjects Choose a subject Choose a subject Choose a subject
Year of study: 2
Compulsory Choose 12 ECTS (CFU) (12 CFU) Choose a subject Choose a subject Choose a subject Choose a subject
Year of study: 3
Compulsory Choose a subject Choose 12 ECTS (CFU) (12 CFU) Choose a subject Choose 12 ECTS (CFU) (12 CFU) 12 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (12 CFU)
Corso di Studio 05400 FILOSOFIA
e Tipo Attività Formativa D A scelta dello studente

In questa regola è possibile scegliere le attività formative presenti nell’offerta formativa di Ateneo.

Year of study: 1
Compulsory Choose a subject
Nel Piano di studi in nessun caso è possibile inserire due volte lo stesso corso (biennalizzare). Questa regola vale anche per i corsi di 12 CFU costituti da corsi –a e -b e per i corsi –a e –b che vanno a formare un corso da 12 CFU. Per esempio, non si può inserire di nuovo Storia romana (12 CFU) se si è sostenuto Storia romana –a (6 CFU) e non si può inserire di nuovo Storia romana -b (6 CFU) se si è sostenuto Storia romana (12 CFU). Questi vincoli valgono anche per i piani individuali. Tutte le note e tutti i vincoli indicati devono essere osservati. La non osservanza degli stessi potrebbe portare alla stesura di un piano di studi (e quindi di una carriera studente) che potrebbe risultare illegittimo e al limite invalidare la laurea conseguita.
Choose two subjects
Year of study: 2
Compulsory Choose a subject Choose a subject Choose 12 ECTS (CFU) (12 CFU) Choose a subject
Year of study: 3
Compulsory Choose a subject Choose a subject Choose a subject Choose 12 ECTS (CFU) (12 CFU)

In questa regola è possibile scegliere le attività formative offerte dal corso di studio. Nella regola successiva è possibile scegliere le attività formative presenti nell’offerta formativa di Ateneo.

12 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (12 CFU)
Corso di Studio 05400 FILOSOFIA
e Tipo Attività Formativa D A scelta dello studente

In questa regola è possibile scegliere le attività formative presenti nell’offerta formativa di Ateneo.

Educational goals

The degree course in Philosophy aims to provide: * a solid knowledge of the essential lines of the philosophical tradition * ample information on the current debate in the various sectors of philosophical research * the ability to appropriately use philosophical terminology, methods for analysis of problems, and methods of argumentation and approach to texts (also in the original language). * an adequate use of the Italian language for the production of scientific texts specific to the discipline * an advanced knowledge of a European Union language * basic computer skills. The degree course will be divided into two curricula: 'Philosophy' and 'Philosophy and human sciences'. A series of fundamental philosophical teachings are common to both, both historical and theoretical, aimed at providing basic knowledge of both the developments of the discipline and the current debate. This knowledge is further explored in the philosophical curriculum, which also includes training in the field of historical, literary, psycho-pedagogical, socio-anthropological and political-economic disciplines, through teachings representative of the respective specific skills. The 'Philosophy and Human Sciences' curriculum is aimed at deepening the linguistic, socio-anthropological, pedagogical and psychological disciplines, through a series of specific teachings and in line with the highly interdisciplinary character of philosophy.

Career opportunities

Expert in philosophical topics - Traditional and multimedia publishing - Assistance in the management of work tasks in which skills deriving from knowledge of communication, cognitive sciences, linguistics, information technology, education and psychology are useful. - Medium responsibility tasks in public administration and in public and private bodies (publishing houses, newspapers, cultural centres, study centres, foundations) and in public and private companies in areas such as public relations, communication, tourism, advertising, staff training, marketing, cultural promotion and various professional areas of training.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to the degree course, the student must possess the upper secondary school diploma required by current legislation, or another qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable by the competent bodies of the university. It is also required to possess basic knowledge of the historical development of philosophy and of the fundamental themes of the current debate, as required by high school philosophy programmes. Those who come from schools where philosophy is not taught are required to have a certain familiarity with these topics, also acquired through personal readings. The methods for verifying the adequacy of the initial preparation and the recovery of any gaps and educational deficits of the student (to be filled in any case within the first year of studies) are governed by the teaching regulations of the degree course.