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The Bachelor's Degree program offers a broad spectrum of training in natural sciences and is structured to allow for the customization of individual study plans, with a rich offering of practical experiences to be carried out in laboratories, nature, as well as in the corporate and educational fields.

The program is structured with two parallel curricula, each with distinct educational objectives and professional outcomes.

The "Educational Methodologies and Science Communication" curriculum trains individuals to work in the field of scientific communication and environmental education in museums, aquariums, parks, naturalistic associations, or eco-tourism organizations. It also provides all the necessary credits for direct access to teaching competitions in schools.

The "Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources" curriculum trains professionals to work in monitoring, census-taking, planning, protection, and environmental management, specializing in the faunal, floral, terrestrial, or aquatic sectors.

The Bachelor's Degree program participates in the LM Plus Master's Degrees Project.

Overview of the program

2 years
Coordinator of the course
Andrea Mondoni
Mathematic, Physical and Natural Sciences
Degree class
LM-60 - Natural sciences
PAVIA - University of Pavia
Year of study: 1
Compulsory Choose a subject Choose two subjects among courses offered in the first and second year (between 6 and 12 CFU)
Lo studente deve scegliere 12 CFU nei due anni di corso nelle discipline biologiche
Choose two subjects among courses offered in the first and second year (between 6 and 12 CFU) Choose two subjects among courses offered in the first and second year (between 6 and 12 CFU) Choose two subjects among courses offered in the first and second year (between 6 and 12 CFU) Choose two subjects among courses offered in the first and second year (between 6 and 12 CFU)
Lo studente deve scegliere 12 CFU di Attività formative Affini integrative nei due anni di corso
18 ECTS of elective courses to be chosen in the first and/or in the second year. It is possible to choose from all the courses offered by the University. The degree programme recommends the following: (18 CFU)
Year of study: 2
Compulsory Choose a subject (between 6 and 12 CFU) Choose a subject (between 6 and 12 CFU) Choose a subject (between 6 and 12 CFU) Choose a subject (between 6 and 12 CFU) Choose a subject (between 6 and 12 CFU) 18 ECTS of elective courses to be chosen in the first and/or in the second year. It is possible to choose from all the courses offered by the University. The degree programme recommends the following: (18 CFU)
Year of study: 1
Compulsory Choose two subjects among courses offered in the first and second year (between 6 and 12 CFU) Choose two subjects among courses offered in the first and second year (between 6 and 12 CFU) 12 ECTS of elective courses to be chosen in the first and/or in the second year. It is possible to choose from all the courses offered by the University. The degree programme recommends the following: (12 CFU)
Year of study: 2
Compulsory Choose two subjects among courses offered in the first and second year (between 6 and 12 CFU) Choose a subject among courses offered in the first and second year (between 6 and 12 CFU) 12 ECTS of elective courses to be chosen in the first and/or in the second year. It is possible to choose from all the courses offered by the University. The degree programme recommends the following: (12 CFU)

Educational goals

The aim of the Master's Degree Course in 'Biodiversity Conservation, Teaching, and Scientific Communication' is to provide students, interested in achieving a comprehensive education in the assessment, enhancement, and conservation of the environment and its components from the perspective of sustainable nature management, teaching, and scientific dissemination, with a cultural framework and advanced skills for professional activities within both public and private companies and institutions dealing with environmental issues, parks and reserves, secondary schools of first and second degree, museums, and scientific publishing. The Course aims to meet the current and future needs of the job market in the field of evaluation, protection, and sustainable management of the environment and its biotic components, in the context of schools and scientific museology. To achieve these objectives, the Course will be structured to provide a common base of teachings concerning the main areas of the Class with particular reference to biological, ecological, geological, genetic, mathematical, and statistical disciplines, for a systemic analysis of the natural environment, in all its biotic and abiotic components and their interactions, also considered in their historical evolutionary dimension. Subsequently, it may develop into curricula more specifically aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills in the fields of: Methodologies for teaching, dissemination, and communication of natural sciences; Protection and sustainable management of biodiversity and natural resources, more characterized by a specialist approach to botanical, zoological, and ecological disciplines. The program will be structured with theoretical lessons, practical laboratory exercises, and fieldwork. In particular, periods dedicated to laboratory experiences will be provided for both environmental management and teaching and scientific dissemination.

Career opportunities

Specialist in Biodiversity, Teaching, and Communication of Natural Sciences. The Master's Degree in Biodiversity Conservation, Teaching, and Scientific Communication provides various job opportunities for graduates, particularly as experts in the biotic components of ecosystems and their management and conservation, as well as in the dissemination of natural sciences. Key employment prospects include positions in the public sector, universities, research institutions, environmental management companies and services, Ministries, the Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, Regional Agencies for Environmental Protection, the National Institute of Health, and Archaeological Superintendencies. It's important to emphasize that the educational path also provides adequate preparation for teaching scientific disciplines and meets the requirements for participating in competitions for access to the role of secondary school teacher, in accordance with current legislation. There are also professional opportunities in the private sector, where graduates may engage in various types of businesses and in consulting companies and cooperatives for the evaluation and management of agro-environmental quality and naturalistic enjoyment of the territory, including for the dissemination and communication of sciences. The skills of the Master's graduate can support the Administrations of Regions, Provinces, Municipalities, Mountain Communities, Environmental Associations, Foundations operating in environmental management, museums, and scientific and educational publishing.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to the master's degree program, the student must hold a bachelor's degree (including those obtained under the educational system preceding Ministerial Decree 509/1999 and subsequent amendments and integrations), or a three-year university diploma, or another foreign qualification recognized as suitable by the competent authorities of the University. Admission also requires meeting curriculum requirements and demonstrating the student's initial preparation adequacy. The required curriculum requirements include holding a bachelor's degree in the L-32 class (Sciences and Technologies for the Environment and Nature) according to Ministerial Decree 270/2004, or in the 27 class (Sciences and Technologies for the Environment and Nature) established under the previous educational system pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/99. Additionally, students graduating in other classes are admitted if their educational path has enabled the acquisition of at least 54 CFUs (University Educational Credits) in the following subject areas: MAT/01-09, FIS/01-08, CHIM/01-03, CHIM/06, BIO/*, GEO/*, and AGR/*, including at least 12 CFUs in the BIO/* or AGR/* sectors. The student's adequate personal preparation will be verified through specific procedures outlined in the study program's Didactic Regulations.