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The Master’s Degree Program in Building Engineering and Architecture integrates knowledge from civil engineering and architecture to create a comprehensive professional in the field of building and architectural design. Graduates are equipped to oversee a project from its conception through to its realization and management, addressing both new construction and the restoration and conservation of architectural heritage.

This program continues a rich Italian cultural tradition of great engineers and architects who have conceived extraordinary architectural works and large-scale engineering projects. It offers a multidisciplinary education that addresses the complexities of urban and building processes, from planning and construction to maintenance and management, ensuring that projects are both effective in meeting their objectives and sustainable from a technical and economic perspective.

Spanning five years, the program features a renewed curriculum starting from the 2022/2023 academic year, with a growing focus on international contexts and global career opportunities.

The Master’s Degree in Building Engineering-Architecture is inherently international in scope, providing numerous opportunities for cultural exchanges and collaborations with European universities through an extensive Erasmus exchange program and other academic activities.

Since 2010, the program has offered a Double Master’s Degree in collaboration with Tongji University in Shanghai, China. This pathway allows students to earn a dual degree recognized both in Italy (and thus in the EU) and in the People’s Republic of China. Since 2016, the program also offers a Double Bachelor’s Degree in partnership with Universitat Jaume I in Spain. Additionally, the program has a long-standing tradition of international workshops and Winter/Summer Schools in collaboration with numerous European and non-European universities.

Overview of the program

5 years
Coordinator of the course
Francesca Picchio
English Italian
Degree class
LM-4 C.U. - Architecture and Architectural Engineering
PAVIA - University of Pavia
Year of study: 1
Year of study: 2
Year of study: 3
Year of study: 4

Educational goals

The Master's degree program in Building Engineering and Architecture aims to provide students with the necessary knowledge related to the foundational elements of the design, construction, and transformation of the Italian and European territories. It ensures a comprehensive educational path based on a procedural learning approach to various scientific, technical, design, and applied disciplines, which are interconnected over the years. The objective of the program is to create a professional figure capable of architectural and urban design, as well as overseeing the feasibility and correct execution of the conceived work from a morphological, functional, and technical-economic perspective. It integrates historical-critical education with scientific education qualitatively, conceiving design as a synthesis process, thus enabling professionals to operate at European and international levels in architectural design, urban planning, and environmental transformation. The five-year educational journey comprises two distinct phases. The first phase, spanning the initial three years, is primarily propaedeutic, focusing on fundamental engineering culture subjects such as Mathematical Analysis, Geometry, Physics, as well as architectural culture subjects like History of Architecture, Basic Technical and Urban Planning, Architectural Composition, Technical Architecture, and Drawing, often conducted through practical workshops and closely related disciplines. The second phase, in the fourth and fifth years, emphasizes specialized and related subjects that build upon the knowledge and skills acquired in the initial phase. It allows students to engage in design synthesis activities integrating various disciplines. This phase also includes specialization in specific disciplines and professional preparation through mandatory and elective courses, enabling students to tailor their path towards their desired profession. The program culminates in a thesis project, representing a final synthesis activity or in-depth research related to architectural and urban design or research activities within departmental research laboratories. The educational approach ensures the acquisition of creative abilities and professionalism required in a continuously evolving operational reality, thanks to numerous laboratory activities integrated into most courses, especially those related to thesis preparation. Students may also opt to include a short curricular internship in their study plan. Innovative pedagogical models, balanced between humanities and sciences, are also welcomed. The Master's program has a strong international orientation and includes mandatory and elective courses taught in English. It can be structured to allow maximum flexibility in implementing Double Degree programs, leveraging the experience of the established Master Degree in Building Engineering and Architecture, active with Tongji University for over 10 years.

Career opportunities

Architect, Civil and Environmental Engineer. Graduates with a master's degree can practice their profession independently by enrolling in the professional registers established by Class LM-4, upon passing the state examination. They can register with both the Professional Register of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects, and Conservators, and the Professional Register of Engineers. They can also work in roles of high responsibility in the field of construction, transformation, conservation, and restoration of buildings, as well as in the enhancement and planning of cities and territories. This applies to complex professional structures (design and engineering firms, service companies, etc.), productive sectors (construction companies, sector enterprises, etc.), as well as public and private institutions and organizations (local and national administrations, Superintendencies, banking institutions, etc.).

Admission requirements

To be admitted to the single-cycle master's degree program, the student must have the high school diploma required by current regulations, or another qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable by the competent authorities of the University. Additionally, admission requires adequate initial preparation, particularly proficiency in the English language, both written and oral, at least at level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages established by the Council of Europe. The verification of the required knowledge is carried out through specific tests, conducted under the responsibility of Committees, in compliance with current national regulations and the provisions issued annually by the Ministry. The methods for recovering any gaps and educational deficits of the student (to be addressed in any case within the first year of studies) are regulated by the didactic regulations of the single-cycle master's degree program.