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The Single-Cycle Master’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology is a multidisciplinary program that places significant emphasis on fundamental chemical and biological sciences, as well as specialized disciplines in the pharmaceutical, food, and technological-formulation fields. The program aims to prepare professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to work in the pharmaceutical industry, addressing the entire complex process from drug design to production and quality control, as well as in the fields of cosmetics, food, and medical devices. The program includes a mandatory professional internship. Upon completion, the degree grants access to the regulated profession of pharmacist.

Overview of the program

5 years
Coordinator of the course
Adele Papetti
Degree class
LM-13. -
PAVIA - University of Pavia
Year of study: 1
  • PHYSICS 6 CFU - 56 hours 1st semester
Year of study: 5
Compulsory 9 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (9 CFU)

Educational goals

The single-cycle master's degree course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology (CTF) provides adequate preparation to operate in the pharmaceutical industrial sector, addressing the entire sequence of the complex process which, from design, leads to the production and control of the drug, according to the regulations in force on the matter. Peculiar characteristics of the proposed course of study are: a) the great attention dedicated to basic biological and chemical disciplines; b) the space reserved, among the characterizing training activities, for pharmaceutical-food and technological-regulatory disciplines; c) the inclusion, among similar or integrative training activities, of courses aimed at integrating and consolidating the student's preparation mainly on topics relating to chemistry, biochemistry and experimental pharmacology. They may also concern areas relating to business organisation, IT and analytical skills and be extended to biotechnological and veterinary medicines, as well as the industrial production of medicines; d) the inclusion of groups of freely chosen courses, which offer homogeneous, highly professional training courses, useful for responding to companies' requests for qualification. These groups of courses have a different professional profile, with transversal skills that involve characterizing and similar sectors. In this way, students will be able to deepen their interests in a targeted and qualifying way for their professional future. The multidisciplinary training course is structured so as to build - through the provision of solid theoretical knowledge in the basic disciplines - a suitable substrate for the acquisition of qualified theoretical and operational skills in the characterizing disciplines. The CdS in CTF mainly aims to train a professional figure who operates as an expert: (i) in the research and development of drugs and health products (herbal, diagnostic and chemical-clinical, cosmetics, dietetic and nutritional, medical-surgical devices , sanitary items, etc.) in industry, public and private centers, universities; (ii) in production in the pharmaceutical, chemical, cosmetic, dietary and food industries; (iii) in the context of quality control, stability and toxicological evaluation of drugs and other health products. The solid scientific base also prepares one for the profession of pharmacist, with a cultural and professional profile suitable for adequately responding to the changing needs of society in the healthcare field, and able to operate for the purposes of public health, including through personalized patient support. , including chronic ones, for adherence to pharmacological therapies, and counseling for healthy people for the purposes of disease prevention. Compulsory professional training contributes significantly to the provision of this knowledge, for a total period of 6 months (30 CFU), to be carried out in a pharmacy open to the public or in a hospital (for a maximum of 3 months). The skills in pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacovigilance, integrated with those mentioned above, allow the CTF graduate to educate the public on the correct use of medicines and to carry out, in this way, a function of significant social value. The training acquired in the basic chemical, pharmaceutical-food, technological-regulatory and business economic, as well as biological-pharmacological disciplines, gives the CTF graduate the skills needed to operate effectively in the dispensing and research, development and production of drugs and health products in general. The entire path is completed by the mandatory experimental thesis to be carried out in university or industrial laboratories, in Italy or abroad.

Career opportunities

Chemist and similar professions in the pharmaceutical sector, researcher in the pharmaceutical and technological sciences sector, community pharmacist, community pharmacist, hospital pharmacist. The single-cycle master's degree course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology prepares professionals capable of operating in the pharmaceutical industry, in chemical, toxicological, chemical-clinical and biochemical-clinical analysis laboratories, in public and private quality control laboratories, in the structures of the National Health System, in schools and universities and other public and private bodies. In more detail, the main opportunities that the graduate will be able to cover are: - collaborator and manager in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, dietary and food industries for the research and development of drugs and health products; - collaborator and manager in: medicinal substance production companies, pharmaceutical production, packaging and analysis companies for third parties, cosmetic and dietary-food companies, company sections dealing with regulatory affairs, marketing, quality assurance and research laboratories of national and international public institutions; - owner, director, collaborator of public or private pharmacies; - owner, director, collaborator of Parapharmacies; - manager in the National Health Service. The CTF degree also trains professionals capable of working in local pharmacies open to the public in Italy and in the community, in parapharmacies, hospital pharmacies and nursing homes. As a continuation of the studies, the following are planned: 1. Second level Master's degree; 2. Research Doctorate; 3. Graduate school.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to the single-cycle master's degree course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology, the student must possess the upper secondary school diploma required by current legislation, or another qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable by the competent bodies of the University. Admission also requires adequate initial preparation in the biological, chemical, mathematical, physical and logical fields. The methods for verifying the adequacy of the initial preparation and the recovery of any gaps and educational deficits of the student (to be filled in any case within the first year of studies) are governed by the Teaching Regulations of the single-cycle master's degree course in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology.