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The degree in Pharmacy and its related professional qualification authorize individuals to practice as Pharmacists, in accordance with Directive CEE 85/432, and to engage in the complex set of professional activities aimed at evaluating and controlling the numerous steps to which medicines must undergo, from the production stages to the final introduction for use by the population.

These specificities address the need to stimulate and consolidate the innovative role that Pharmacists are assuming in interaction with physicians, for a more effective selection of pharmacological therapies, and with the public, for whom the Pharmacist represents, particularly in some contexts, the primary healthcare provider.

Studies in the pharmaceutical field prepare individuals to undertake professions of great relevance to the health and quality of life of the entire population.

Graduates perform the delicate function of drug distribution and play an increasingly important role in health education, disease prevention, and the correct use of medications, thus fulfilling a function of significant social value.

The degree program participates in the LM Plus Master's Degrees Project.

Overview of the program

5 years
Coordinator of the course
Ida Genta
Degree class
LM-13. -
PAVIA - University of Pavia
Year of study: 1
Year of study: 2
Year of study: 5
Compulsory 9 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (9 CFU)

Educational goals

The single-cycle master's degree course in Pharmacy prepares a professional in the healthcare area who, within the scope of his multidisciplinary scientific and technological skills (chemical, biological, biochemical and biomedical, pharmaceutical, pharmacological, toxicological, technological, legislative and ethical) contributes to the achievement of the objectives defined by the National Health Service to adequately respond to the changing needs of society in the health field, and is able to operate for the purposes of public health, also through the personalized accompaniment of patients, including chronic ones, for the adherence to pharmacological therapies and counseling for healthy people for the purposes of disease prevention. It also provides adequate scientific preparation to operate in the pharmaceutical industrial sector, addressing the entire sequence of the complex multidisciplinary process which, from design, leads to the production and control of the drug, according to the relevant regulations in force. Peculiar characteristics of the Pharmacy course are: a) the great attention dedicated to basic medical-biological disciplines; b) the large space reserved, among the characterizing training activities, for biological-pharmacological and technological-regulatory disciplines, with particular attention to the preparation of medicines; c) the inclusion, among similar or integrative training activities, of courses aimed at integrating and consolidating the culture in the field of chemistry applied to pharmaceutical sciences, medical-clinical biochemistry and communication techniques; d) the possibility of including, among the freely chosen activities, courses that offer highly professionalizing homogeneous training courses. These teaching groups have a different profile, with transversal and integrated skills. This will allow students to deepen their interests in a targeted and qualifying way for their professional future. These specificities respond to the need to stimulate and consolidate, by supporting him with training investments, the innovative role that the pharmacist is taking on in interaction with the doctor, for an increasingly effective choice of pharmacological therapies, and with the public, towards whom the Pharmacist represents, particularly in some situations, the first medical aid. Consistent with the functions envisaged for the Pharmacist within the National Health Service, the Pharmacy graduate also has specific knowledge in the sector of drug distribution and correct information to the public about the therapeutic-toxicological characteristics of the active ingredients contained in the pharmaceutical forms. Compulsory professional training contributes significantly to the provision of this knowledge, for a total period of 6 months (30 CFU), to be carried out in a pharmacy open to the public or hospital (for a maximum amount of 3 months). The skills in pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacovigilance, integrated with those mentioned above, allow the Pharmacy graduate to educate the public on the correct use of medicines and to carry out, in this way, a function of significant social value. The training acquired in the basic chemical, chemical-pharmaceutical and technological-pharmaceutical disciplines, associated with the medical-biological-pharmacological one mentioned above, gives the Pharmacy graduate the skills needed to operate effectively in the preparation and dispensing of medicines, as well as in the field of drug information.

Career opportunities

Pharmacist in the dispensing of medicines: The graduate will be able to work in pharmacies open to the public (private and public), in commercial establishments where there is the sale of medicines without a prescription (parapharmacies) and in the NHS (hospital pharmacies and ASL). Pharmacist in intermediate distribution companies The graduate will be able to work in technical or managerial roles in the intermediate distribution of medicines (wholesalers and warehousekeepers). Pharmacist in scientific dissemination The graduate will be able to collaborate with scientific magazines, popular newspapers, radio and television. It will also be able to carry out consultancy, dissemination and promotion work on industrial medicines and medical devices to healthcare professionals (general practitioners or specialists) who work in university clinics, hospitals, nursing homes, dispensaries, healthcare institutions and institutions in general. Pharmacist working in industry and in control and regulatory bodies. Graduates will be able to work in the chemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food, medical device and medical surgical device industries and in industrial consultancy companies.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to the single-cycle master's degree course in Pharmacy, the student must possess the upper secondary school diploma required by current legislation, or another qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable by the competent bodies of the University. Furthermore, for admission, adequate initial preparation in the biological, chemical, mathematical, physical and logical fields is required. The methods for verifying the adequacy of the initial preparation and the recovery of any gaps and training deficits of the student (to be filled in any case within the first year of studies) are governed by the Teaching Regulations of the single-cycle master's degree course in Pharmacy.