The Master's Degree in Philosophical Knowledge: Foundations, Methods, Applications (LM-78) is an inter-university program involving the University of Bergamo (administrative headquarters for the first four years), the University of Pavia, and the School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia. The entire program is conducted in English.
The objective of this Master's Degree program is to address the current paradigm shift—scientific, economic, geopolitical, and cultural—by offering a solid foundation of theoretical knowledge, conceptual methods, and argumentative tools. Specifically, the goal is to provide basic philosophical tools that enable modeling of reality in various activity contexts and at different levels of analysis, considering recent developments in scientific research and the increasing pressures on the shared worldview and the system of economic and social practices.
To this end, a range of courses is offered to familiarize students with the methodologies and content of specific disciplines. Courses and workshops in technical and specialized fields complement the foundational training provided by the degree program, ensuring a multidisciplinary education.
Thus, this degree program stands out clearly in all relevant aspects, from the English language to its applied and professional focus, from its distinctly technical and formal profile to its European dimension, from the methods and locations of teaching to the target student body, which transcends regional and national boundaries.
Overview of the program
Educational goals
The objective of the Master's Degree Course in Philosophical Knowledge: Foundations, Methods, Applications is to respond to the current cultural paradigm shift, offering a solid wealth of theoretical knowledge, conceptual methods and argumentative tools with which to operate effectively in different contexts of activities and at various levels of analysis. The course intends to pursue this objective as a specific declination of the general objectives of the degree class, to the extent that these need to be translated within a context in which the epistemological and epistemological issues that are at the center of the attention of the degree course take on central importance. In this sense, both the preparation relating to the contents of philosophical knowledge and the methodological, critical and analytical skills foreseen for the LM-78 class are here understood in the sense of a finer and more accentuated ability to master the fundamental intellectual tools of philosophical knowledge. This approach allows us to deepen our knowledge of reality through the construction of conceptual models that take into account recent developments in scientific research and the many tensions to which the shared image of the world and the system of economic and social practices are increasingly subjected. Therefore, in line with the declaration of the LM-78 master's degree class, graduates will acquire: - a solid knowledge of the different philosophical traditions in a chronological and diachronic sense and the ability to build a fruitful dialogue between these and the problems of the present; - a precise interpretative ability of the current and past philosophical debate and its evaluation with regard to the major questions of an epistemological, epistemological, methodological, ontological and ethical nature; - a solid ability to insert theoretical elaboration in comparison with the practical dimension of scientific and technical-scientific disciplines; - a solid historical-critical competence, with which to measure oneself with the evolutions of philosophical reflection over the centuries; - specific analytical and argumentative skills, in relation to philosophical knowledge as well as scientific, technical-scientific knowledge and ethical issues; - a profound knowledge of methodological and theoretical issues relating to the field of philosophical sciences as well as human, social, natural, physical and mathematical sciences, as well as technical disciplines such as information technology; - an adequate ability to use the Italian language in their disciplinary sector; - an advanced knowledge of the English language in the disciplinary sector of philosophical sciences. The ambition of the degree course is to achieve these objectives with a European horizon in mind. Accompanying the training objective is in fact the desire to establish a university path at a regional level that responds to a public demand for knowledge which now has a global scope and which requires the possession of effective conceptualization tools and methods to develop solid keys to reading and intervention for problems of direct ethical, political, economic and social impact. To this end: a) the core of the degree course teachings focuses on the strictly theoretical dimension, in the fields of epistemology, philosophy of mind and science cognitive, ontology, metaphysics, philosophy of logic and mathematics, philosophy of language and practical philosophy between ethics and politics; b) the training path is supported and completed by historical philosophical teachings, which allow us to trace profound lines of conceptual development that directly enter into dialogue with the general orientation of the course. This diachronic theoretical approach will guide a complex philosophical analysis of the conceptual challenges facing human society.
Career opportunities
Human resources specialist: The graduate can perform the functions of: - business consultant; - manager in companies producing goods and services; - specialist in intercompany relations in public and private companies, with particular reference to the coordination of work groups, mediation between parties, the analysis of complex situations with the identification of new solutions. Work organization specialist The graduate can perform the functions of: - business consultant; - manager in companies producing goods and services; - specialist in intercompany relations in public and private companies, with particular reference to the coordination of work groups, mediation between parties, the analysis of complex situations with the identification of new solutions. Specialist in public relations, image and similar professions The graduate can perform the functions of: - Public relations consultant (public and private companies, communication agencies); - Editorial consultant, text editor and series director; - Communication specialist and organizer of cultural events; - Intercultural mediator (interpretation of individual and social needs in multi-cultural contexts, in governmental and non-governmental institutions). Philosopher - specialist in theoretical, academic and non-academic research (national and international university institutions, research centers linked to private institutes or companies); - specialist in philosophical counseling (promotion of critical awareness of problems and the achievement of personal balance); - philosophical counseling (promotion of critical awareness of problems and the achievement of personal balance). - author of texts and contents conveyed through the media; - responsible for the literary or cinematographic criticism sections, for the scientific dissemination of subjects operating in the field of publishing, production and dissemination of culture and information; - philosophical advisor and consultant for those who work in the field of human resources management, marketing and management of large, public and private companies; - advisor for those who find themselves acting as decision makers and need support in terms of critical thinking. Researcher and technician graduated in the historical, philosophical, pedagogical and psychological sciences. The graduate can perform the functions of: - specialist in theoretical, academic and non-academic research (national and international university institutions, research centers linked to private institutes or companies); - responsible for relations with entities (public and private companies, study and research centres, foundations, museums) that operate in the sector of research, production of culture and dissemination of content - responsible for communication and organization of cultural events; - responsible for projects aimed at the protection and promotion of tangible and intangible cultural heritage (libraries, museums, contents). Guidance counselor Graduates can work in the following sectors: - scholastic and professional guidance; - information for young people; - job orientation; - orientation in university studies; - orientation for high schools; - orientation within school/work alternation programmes.
Admission requirements
Incoming students must be in possession of a first level degree or a qualification obtained abroad recognized as suitable and have obtained at least 60 credits in the scientific and disciplinary sectors characterizing the LM-78 class, of which at least 36 in the philosophical scientific disciplinary sectors, i.e. M-FIL/01, M-FIL/02, M-FIL/03, M-FIL/04, M-FIL/05, M-FIL/06, M-FIL/07, M- FIL/08, SPS/01, IUS/20. The admission of students without a first level degree or who have not acquired the credits specified above is not foreseen. Without prejudice to the satisfaction of the indicated requirements, the verification of each student's personal preparation is mandatory in any case, and only students in possession of the curricular requirements can access it. In particular, this possession cannot be considered as verification of personal preparation, which will be verified through an oral interview or a written test, according to methods specified in table A3.b. To enroll in the training course, basic knowledge of the English corresponding to level B-2. The methods for verifying the linguistic skills required for access are defined in the teaching regulations of the Course of Studies.