"The Open University: Meetings and Dialogues on Migration and Inclusion"
On the occasion of International Refugee Day, Thursday, June 20th, the CUG - Comitato Unico di Garanzia of the University of Pavia hosts the event "The Open University: Meetings and Dialogues on Migration and Inclusion" with various initiatives: workshops, book presentation, testimonies and screening of the docufilm "Refugees Girls".
At 10.00 a.m. in the University's Aula del '400, in the central building, there will be a discussion about refugee status and international protection from a legal point of view together with the President of the CUG (with hints on the practice of early marriages) and then we will discover the SAR - Scholar at Risk network with Dr. Anna Claudia Mosconi and deepen the knowledge about inclusion of refugee students in the University with Dr. Dal Zotto, OSA contact person for social sustainability. It will be interesting to listen to the testimony of a refugee student from UniPv.
The morning continues with the workshop "Numbers, threats or victims: How (not) to talk about migration and migrant people" by Dr. Serena Coschignano and the presentation of the book "Communicating the crisis - Metaphors and conceptual frames between pandemic, war, immigration". The authors, Prof. Silvia Luraghi and the journalist Paola Stringa will be present. Introduced by Prof. Giovanni Battista Bocchi Magnoli. This meeting will be live streamed on the zoom platform.
The day ends at 20:00 with the screening of the docufilm "Refugee Girls" at the Collegio del Maino in Pavia. The director, Leonardo Cinieri Lombroso, the protagonist Robina Hajizada and a refugee student enrolled at UniPv will be present for a discussion.
"Refugee Girls" invites reflection on welcoming, solidarity and the creation of a better future for those fleeing conflict and persecution.
The event "The Open University: Meetings and Dialogues on Migration and Inclusion" is made possible thanks to the collaboration of the members of the CUG, the Collegio del Maino, UNIMED - Union of Mediterranean Universities, the MERGED center of UniPv, the OSA-Office for Sustainable Actions, the SAR Italy network and the refugee students of UniPv available to tell their stories.
Each event is free and no reservation is required.
To find out more about the CUG, visit the website, follow the IG cug_unipv page or write to [email protected]