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Curricular internships (as outlined in the study plan)

A curricular internship is an experience that takes place during the academic career.

Its purpose is to facilitate a first direct contact between the student and the world of work, in addition to integrating their education. Through the curricular internship, a specific number of academic credits is obtained for each degree program; the credits related to the internship can be mandatory or additional credits, but they are included in the study plan.

The curricular internship can be undertaken by a student to complete their educational path, in accordance with the rules and access requirements of their degree program, which also specifies the exact number of academic credits (CFU) related to the internship and its duration. Some degree programs do not include an internship but offer a thesis internship instead. 

It is possible to find a host organization for a curricular internship independently by:

  • Asking a company you know to establish a partnership with the university through the Almalaurea Portal, or
  • Applying to job postings published on the websites of the respective faculties (if available), or
  • Applying for curricular internship opportunities posted by companies on the Almalaurea announcements board.

The entire process for activating a curricular internship with companies and external organizations at the University of Pavia is paperless and takes place on the AlmaLaurea Platform.

  1. Activities to be carried out by the student:

    • Log in to the "Reserved Area" in ESSE3, then select "Internships and Stages" > "Access AlmaLaurea" to register/update your CV and ensure that your profile is ACTIVE in the "visibility to companies" field by selecting "alerts and CV visibility" from the menu on the right. The student must complete this step before the company submits the training project on the platform.
    • Communicate your student ID number and Tax Code to the company. With this information, the company will be able to create the student’s profile within the training project that will be completed in AlmaLaurea.
  2. Activities to be carried out by the company:

  3. Activities to be carried out by the university tutor and Unipv staff (Student Secretariat):

    • The university tutor receives an email notification of the training project for evaluation and approval.
    • There is also a verification and approval step by the Unipv staff managing the platform. Once this phase is completed, the student will receive an email notifying them of the approval from the tutor. Both the student and the company will receive an email confirming the approval of the training project.
  4. To formalize the start of the internship:

    • Upon receiving the approval notification, the student and the company must access AlmaLaurea, download the internship project to sign it, and re-upload it to the system.
    • The student and the company will receive a confirmation email regarding the activation of the internship, and the student will be authorized to begin their internship at the company during the agreed period, enjoying all the insurance coverage provided by the University of Pavia.

The complete process for activating a curricular internship takes approximately 10 days from the date the training project is submitted.

The University of Pavia offers students the opportunity to carry out a curricular internship lasting six months within its own structures.
The internship is additional to the student’s study plans, but can also be aimed at the recognition of ECTS, upon request by the student and subject to evaluation and approval by the competent teaching structure.
A monthly contribution of € 280.00 is provided as expense-reimbursement.

A curricular internship within the University can be undertaken:

  • In an internal structure of the university (such as a laboratory, library, etc.) with prior agreement with your professor and a contact person at the facility. It is necessary to notify the UOC Careers Office by completing and sending the form available below.

  • By participating in selection announcements on the "Curricular Internships for Students within University Structures" page.

Form to activate a curricular internship within the University

Training Project for Internal Educational Internship

Internship project - University structures


Contacts to activate a curricular internship
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Student Career Office
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +39 0382985993

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Access Direct Line to submit the completed request on the appropriate form at least fifteen days before the start date of the activity