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Thesis Internship

The thesis internship, an activity aimed at writing a thesis, offers students the opportunity to engage in research or practical activities at either external or internal university facilities.


PLEASE NOTE: In case of a thesis internship carried out within the framework of an Erasmus mobility (Study or Traineeship), you must refer to the International Mobility Office.
If the thesis internship is partially carried out within the Erasmus mobility framework and partially outside of it, for the second part, you will need to follow the instructions outlined in this section.


To begin the activity, it is necessary to obtain authorization from the Student Careers Office. The request must be submitted via Filo Diretto at least 15 days before the planned start date, using the Thesis Internship form

This form is designed for three different cases depending on the location of the internship:

  • Within the university facilities
  • Outside the university facilities in Italy
  • Outside the university facilities abroad

Please check in the sections below which parts of the form need to be filled out based on the location.

Students who wish to carry out the thesis internship in internal University structures must complete the form from page 1 to page 4. The form should be filled out by the student, and the supervisor must approve the request by signing the form.

Students who wish to carry out the thesis internship at external organizations in Italy must complete the form from page 1 to page 7. The form should be filled out by the student, the supervisor must approve the request by signing the form, and the contact person at the external organization must confirm their availability to host the student by completing and signing the form as applicable. 

Students who wish to carry out the thesis internship at external organizations abroad must complete the form on pages 1 to 4, 8, and 9. The form should be filled out by the student, the supervisor must approve the request by signing the form, and the contact person at the external organization abroad must confirm their availability to host the student by completing and signing the form as applicable. They may use the section entirely in English.

Contacts to activate a thesis internship
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Student career office
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +390382985993

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Access Filo Diretto to submit the completed request using the appropriate form at least fifteen days before the start date of the activity.