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Extra-curricular internship

An extra-curricular internship is an experience that takes place outside the University, typically following the completion of one's academic studies. Unlike curricular internships, which are integrated into the academic curriculum and provide credits towards the degree, extra-curricular internships are designed to enhance a graduate's practical skills and professional experience in their chosen field. These internships offer a valuable opportunity for individuals to apply their theoretical knowledge in real-world settings, establish professional networks, and gain a competitive edge in the job market.


Students and new graduates can access the portal AlmaLaurea which displays job and internship offers in Italy.

Internship in an Italian Company  (in Italian)

Access the platform AlmaLaurea (in Italian)

Students and new graduates can also access the international portal JobTeaser which displays job and internship offers in Italy and abroad. The platform is available in English.


Access the Jobteaser platform