Suspension of studies
This section explains the ways through which you can terminate your career without achieving the degree.
Withdrawal from studies (in Italian: rinuncia agli studi) represents a permanent termination of your career.
The loss of student status (in Italian: decadenza) is a permanent termination of your career and occurs ex officio after years of not taking exams.
Suspension and interruption of studies are meant to temporarily close your career.
In order to officially withdraw from studies, students have to apply from their personal area Student Portal. Go to Home>Careers>Cancel Enrollment and fill all the blanks. Complete the process by going Home>Payments (in your personal area) and paying 16€ revenue stamp.
The receipt that you will be able to download at the end of the process does not have to be forwarded to the administrative office.
It is possible to withdraw from studies anytime during the academic year. It is mandatory to pay all the tuition fees due at the moment of the withdrawal and it is mandatory not to have any current debts with EDiSU.
It will be possible to obtain certificates from our university that refer only to the academic year covered by tuition fees that have been regularly paid.
The withdrawal cannot be revoked but it will be possible to enroll again to the same course or to a different course if the student wishes so. It is also possible, in case of a new enrollment, to submit a request to have all previous studies included in the new enrollment by following these specific instructions:
The information published on this page is dedicated to current students to our bachelor and master degree programmes. Students interested in postgraduate courses are invited to read the dedicated pages or they may write to: [email protected] – [email protected]
The loss of the student status is a condition that implies the permanent closure of the student’s university career. It occurs ex officio and happens if he/she does not pass any exams for eight consecutive academic years from the year of taking the last exam or the year of the last enrollment, whichever is more favorable.
Please note: exams that have been taken only in part and that have therefore not been registered officially on the student’s booklet in the student's area do not count towards the minimum number of exams (over a given period of time) necessary to maintain one's status as an enrolled student.
- The mentioned issue mentioned does not apply to students who have passed all exams except the final graduation exam;
- The student who loses her/his status is entitled to the issuance of certificates attesting to career records in which the loss of the status will also be indicated;
- She/he can enroll again after having lost the status, because the University of Pavia does not exclude this possibility. The possible recognition of acquired credits is operated by the competent Didactic Board, after verification of them being not obsolescent;
- For international students holding a study residence permit, the loss of student status implies the loss of residency requirements. Therefore, if they intend to re-enroll, they will have to apply for a new study visa.
Your academic career is automatically interrupted when you do not re-enroll again in the following academic year (i.e. when the payment of the first fee is not made). This interruption causes the impossibility to sit any exam, graduate and all other career activities and does not interrupt the time period for the loss of the student status (called decadenza).
In order to resume your studies, you need to contact FILO DIRETTO. Your request will be handle from October 2024. Student Administration Office will calculate the amount of the tuition fees you need to pay according to the duration of the interruption of your career. In case the interruption lasted less than an academic year, the missing tuition fees with additional late fees will be paid.
During the studies, suspension can be requested only once and results in the inability to take exams, graduate, and submit all other career acts and does not interrupt the terms of the loss of student status.
The suspension can be requested through Filo Diretto in the following cases:
- Serious and prolonged infirmity, properly certified;
- Civil service, referring to the academic year in which the service is mainly performed;
- Birth of a child or adoption/foster care, exclusively for the academic year corresponding to the year of birth or adoption;
- Caring for relatives who are not self-sufficient for physical or mental health reasons.
In order to resume your studies, it is necessary to contact the Registrar’s Office through Filo Diretto to calculate the amount you need to pay according to the duration of the interruption and any reintegration fee for each academic year of interruption. In case the interruption is less than one academic year, payment of missing tuition fees along with the related penalties are required.
Pregnant students may request the interruption of studies at any time (from pregnancy until the child is 3 years old) by submitting the request of interruption through Filo Diretto, attaching the medical certification proving the pregnancy; from that time and until resumption of the studies, they are exempt from payments.
Upon resumption of studies, it is necessary to contact the Registrar’s Office through Filo Diretto to calculate the amount you need to pay and should it occur during the ongoing academic year, the student will be required to pay the past installments.
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Tuesday 9/12
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Call Center: 0382989898
Monday - Friday: 10.00-12.00