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The Degree Program in Environmental and Workplace Prevention Techniques trains graduates who, within the limits of their responsibilities, act as judicial police officers in services with inspection and supervisory duties, and in particular:

  • Are responsible for all prevention, verification, and control activities regarding environmental hygiene and safety in living and working places, hygiene of food and beverages, cosmetics, public health and veterinary hygiene 
  • Instruct, determine, contest, and notify observed irregularities and provide opinions within their areas of expertise
  • Monitor and control living and working environments, assess the need for investigations and inquiries into accidents and occupational diseases, and ensure that structures and environments comply with safety requirements related to their activities.

Overview of the program

3 years
Coordinator of the course
Simona Villani
Physical and Psychological Health Sciences
Degree class
L/SNT4 - Health professions for preventive care
PAVIA - University of Pavia
Year of study: 1
Year of study: 2
Compulsory 2 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (4 CFU)
Year of study: 3
Compulsory 4 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (4 CFU)

Educational goals

Graduates in the prevention technical professions class carry out prevention, verification and control activities with technical-professional autonomy in the field of environmental hygiene and safety in the places of life and work, food and drink hygiene, hygiene and public health and veterinary. These activities must however take place within the scope of the responsibility deriving from the professional profiles. Graduates in the class are equipped with adequate training in the basic disciplines. They must also know how to use at least one European Union language, in addition to Italian, in the specific field of competence and for the exchange of general information. Graduates in the class, depending on the training courses envisaged, must achieve the professional skills indicated below and specified in the profile of the Environmental and Workplace Prevention Technician identified by the competent ministerial authority. The achievement of professional skills is achieved through theoretical and practical training which also includes the acquisition of behavioral skills and which is achieved in the specific working context, so as to guarantee, at the end of the training course, full mastery of all the necessary skills and their immediate usability in the work environment. Practical training and internship activities are of particular importance and constitute an integral and qualifying part of professional training. This activity is carried out with the supervision and guidance of specifically assigned professional tutors, coordinated by a teacher belonging to the highest training level required for the professional profile of the Environmental and Workplace Prevention Technician and corresponding to the standards defined at European where existing.

Career opportunities

- Employment with the department of prevention at the local health agency and other local authorities charged with inspection and monitoring duties, such as ARPA and the provincial labor department, where graduates can earn qualification (if required) as a UPG (judicial policy official); - Public prevention and protection services (SPP), where these exist and are required (for example, local health agencies (ASL), hospitals, universities), where graduates can earn qualification as an RSPP (head of prevention and protection service) or ASPP (prevention and protection service professional); - Private agencies that provide an internal prevention and protection service, where graduates can earn qualification as an RSPP or ASPP; - Free-lance consulting in the area of workplace safety, environmental safety, food safety, and veterinary hygiene.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to the degree course, the student must have a high school diploma, required by current legislation, or another qualification obtained abroad deemed suitable. Admission to the degree course is limited by the access planning at national level (Law 2 August 1999, n. 264). Admission takes place through a competitive test; the date and methods of carrying out this test are defined annually by the Ministry of Education, University and Research and published in a specific notice issued by the University. Students admitted to the degree course with a grade lower than a pre-established minimum threshold may be assigned specific additional training obligations; the methods for making up for any training deficits, to be filled in any case within the first year of the course, are governed by the teaching regulations of the degree course.