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The Bachelor’s Degree in Humanities is a three-year program with a methodological focus. It provides students with a broad and balanced foundational education in the humanities, covering the ancient world (Greek, Roman, Italic, Egyptian, and Near Eastern), as well as the medieval, modern, and contemporary periods from multiple disciplinary perspectives.

The program encompasses a range of disciplines including linguistics, philology, literature, history, geography, archaeology, art history, theater, cinema, and new media. Graduates of the Humanities program are distinguished by their analytical and research skills, critical and original thinking, flexibility, and communicative abilities. The preparation offered by this Bachelor’s Degree sets a strong foundation for further studies in related Master’s programs and prepares students for careers in the humanities field.

Overview of the program

3 years
Coordinator of the course
Alberto Canobbio
Humanities, Philosophy, Languages
Degree class
L-10 - Humanities
PAVIA - University of Pavia
Year of study: 1
Compulsory Choose a subject Choose a subject
Year of study: 2
Compulsory Choose a subject
Year of study: 3
Compulsory Classical philological-literary study - compulsory subjects Classical philological-literary study - choose a subject Ancient near east study - compulsory subjects Ancient near east study - choose a subject Greek and Roman history study - compulsory subjects Archaeological study - compulsory subjects Linguistic study - choose a subject Linguistic study - choose two subjects 6 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (12 CFU)
<p class="mmsolistparagraph">Scelta consigliata</p>
Year of study: 1
Compulsory Choose a subject Choose a subject Choose a subject
Year of study: 2
Compulsory Choose a subject Choose a subject Choose a subject Choose a subject
Year of study: 3
Compulsory Choose a subject Philological-literary study - compulsory subjects Philological-literary study - choose a subject Historical study - choose a subject Historical study - choose three subjects Linguistic study - choose a subject Linguistic study - choose three subjects 6 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (12 CFU)
<p class="mmsolistparagraph">Scelta consigliata</p>
Year of study: 1
Compulsory Choose a subject Choose a subject
Year of study: 2
Compulsory Choose a subject In-depth analysis history and methods - choose a subject In-depth analysis language and techniques - choose a subject 6 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (between 6 and 12 CFU)
Year of study: 3
Compulsory In-depth analysis history and methods - compulsory subjects In-depth analysis history and methods - choose a subject In-depth analysis history and methods - choose a subject In-depth analysis language and techniques - compulsory subjects In-depth analysis language and techniques - choose a subject In-depth analysis language and techniques - choose two subjects In-depth analysis language and techniques - choose a subject 6 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (6 CFU)

Educational goals

The course in Literature (divided into three curricula: Ancient, Modern, Media and Entertainment Arts) is a three-year degree course of a methodological nature. It aims to provide enrolled students with a broad and balanced basic scientific preparation in humanistic studies, relating to the ancient (Greco-Roman and Near Eastern), medieval, modern and contemporary world, according to multiple disciplinary points of view: linguistic, philological- literary, historical, geographical, archaeological, historical-artistic, theatrical forms and modern entertainment and media disciplines. This multidisciplinary preparation, including basic knowledge adequately re-oriented and in-depth thanks to the acquisition of the most up-to-date methodologies, will allow you to optimally continue your humanistic studies, in ancient, modern and contemporary fields, offering access to degrees in the future related master's degrees and preparing, with the completions indicated by the legislation in force, for the professions relating to the various scientific-disciplinary sectors, with due attention to the paths foreseen for teacher training. The degree course includes a substantial common training area, which develops in the first two years and which allows you to acquire an adequate historical and methodological mastery of fundamental humanistic knowledge with the relative possibility of acquiring the credits necessary for access to teaching classes in schools. Already in the second and, to a further accentuated extent, in the third year of the course of study, the teachings relating to the common training area are reduced to leave room for a wide diversification of the teachings themselves in line with the different training vocations of the three curricula in which the degree course is divided into (Ancient Literature, Modern Literature, Media and Entertainment Arts). In the third year, the Ancient Literature curriculum directs students who have already acquired fundamental knowledge in classical philology, Greek and Latin literature, Greco-Roman-Oriental history towards in-depth studies of a classical philological-literary, linguistic, Greco-Roman historical nature, orientalistic and archaeological; the curriculum of Modern Literature, however, directs students already trained in Romance philology, Italian literature and linguistics, history (medieval, modern, contemporary) and art history (medieval and modern) towards in-depth studies of a philological nature -modern literary, historical and linguistic; the most recently activated curriculum (Art Media Entertainment) will finally enrich the traditional training of the degree course in Literature on the contemporary side, dedicating attention to the philological and historiographical study of the artistic, theatrical and cinematographic heritage and to the study of the languages of the visual and performative with a specific opening to the dimension of digital humanities. Over the three-year period, students of the degree course in Literature will therefore have the opportunity to consolidate and deepen the training path they have chosen, progressively moving towards the study of antiquity or modernity or contemporaneity. In the first year, the degree course includes specific tutorial activities aimed at verifying, strengthening or recovering the deficit regarding previous disciplinary skills; the course of study also provides basic IT skills and reserves a specific space for teaching the English language (or, if already known at an adequate level, a second community language), in order to achieve satisfactory spoken and written competence.

Career opportunities

Continuation of studies of courses for a master's degree. Looking ahead, master's graduates who have acquired a sufficient number of credits in appropriate groups of sectors will be able, as required by current legislation, to participate in the admission tests for training courses for teaching in secondary schools. Library technicians Employment in public and private libraries, cultural institutions and foundations, historical archives. Museum technicians employment in museums, archaeological parks, superintendencies, local authorities, foundations; possibility of self-employment in collaboration with public or private bodies. Technicians for the organization of radio, television, cinema and theater production. Employment in organizations and companies operating in the field of radio, television, cinema and theater production. Organizers of cultural events Employment as an organizer of cultural events at local authorities, trade fairs and tourism promotion bodies as well as at museums, art galleries, schools and universities.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to the degree course in Literature, the student must have a high school diploma, required by current legislation, or another qualification obtained abroad and recognized as equivalent by the competent bodies of the University. For direct admission not subject to particular recovery activities, general basic knowledge of Italian, Latin and, where applicable, Greek languages and literature is required; Basic general knowledge of the historical field (medieval, modern and contemporary history) is also required. The verification of the adequacy of the initial preparation and the recovery and integration of any gaps and educational deficits of students enrolled in the first year (to be filled or reduced within the first year itself) is the subject of specific and accurate initial, indicative and non-selective assessments. For this purpose, detailed tutorial activities are planned with extensive initial assessments; work to be carried out in groups as small as possible; ongoing written and oral tests. The methods are established by the Teaching Regulations of the degree course.