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The Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s Degree in Humanities and Cultural Heritage Studies offers the possibility of obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree in Literary Studies (L-10) or in Cultural Heritage (L-1). It aims to provide foundational knowledge through essential preparation and a solid methodological training, both in the areas related to the protection, management, and enjoyment of cultural heritage, particularly artistic and library heritage, and in the field of literary, historical, and artistic culture from ancient to contemporary times. The entire educational path defines the cultural profile of a graduate able to perform professional activities in public and private institutions as a responsible person in the fields of conservation, management, promotion, production, and enhancement of artistic and literary heritage; in cultural organization; and in publishing and editing. The Bachelor’s Degree can also represent the initial phase of a broader educational process: it allows access to a Master’s Degree or a First-Level Master’s program.

Overview of the program

3 years
Coordinator of the course
Elena Mosconi
Musicology and Cultural Heritage
Degree class
L-1 - Cultural heritage
branch office in Cremona
Year of study: 1
Compulsory Choose a subject
Year of study: 2
Compulsory Choose a subject Choose a subject Choose 12 ECTS (CFU) (12 CFU) Choose a subject
Year of study: 3
Compulsory Choose a subject Choose 12 ECTS (CFU) (12 CFU) 12 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (12 CFU)

Educational goals

The course of study aims to provide fundamental knowledge, acquired through basic preparation and solid methodological training, in areas oriented both towards the protection, management and use of cultural heritage, and towards literary and artistic culture, as well as history from ancient times to the contemporary age. The basis of this educational course comprises the fundamental contents of both areas. The job descriptions of reference can be identified in the roles envisaged by specific entities operating in the fields of cultural heritage and cultural activities (museums, archives, libraries, photographic and video archives, , sound archives) as well as at other public institutions (local authorities) and / or companies active in the fields relevant to the cultural heritage in general. The course provides the necessary skills and knowledge to allow students to continue their studies with the goal of entering further career levels, such as teaching. The degree course is divided into two parts. One part includes subjects of a basic educational and institutional nature that are common to the two undergraduate degrees, for a total of 120 credits, with the unitary objective of offering and developing the capacity for the philological, linguistic and critical analysis of texts, and of providing an understanding of cultural phenomena, particularly literary and artistic phenomena, in their diverse historical contexts. The other part, differentiated, leads to a qualification and specialised study corresponding to the different cultural and scientific domains of the two undergraduate degrees, intended on the one hand to provide a specific skill in the field of study and an appreciation of museum, library and documentary heritage, with the capacity to analyse, identify, date, describe such heritage; on the other hand to deepen students’ knowledge of literature, philology and the history of art from the Classical world to this day. Within the three-year course, the first two years of training involve mainly basic and compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class disciplines, while the third year offers a wide range of courses in many areas of the humanities adapted to integrate and complete students’ preparation, in addition to the credits reserved for free-choice activities, for the acquisition of language and computer skills, and for the final exam.

Career opportunities

Graduates in this course are professionals able to work in the conservation, management, promotion, production and enhancement of cultural heritage and also in cultural heritage management as publicists, consultants and editors. They may continue their studies with the specific second cycle degrees for each class of study in order to deepen their skills to better prepare for the profession. Graduates in this course may find work in public and private libraries, including specialist collections; public and private archives; museums and environmental conservation; press offices, publishers, cultural institutes, in public information organisations, in general research-based environments, cataloguing, conservation, the promotion and nurturing of cultural heritage (especially related to books and art); and in teaching.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to the degree course, the student must have a high school diploma or other equivalent qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable by the competent University bodies. Enrollment in the degree course also requires the student to have adequate initial preparation, particularly in the humanities, with basic knowledge in the historical, literary and artistic fields as well as full mastery of the Italian language. A commission specifically appointed by the Department Council will verify this preparation in an individual interview to be carried out before the start of the academic year: in the event that gaps are found that would jeopardize the progress of the studies, additional training obligations will be assigned which the student will have to satisfy, within the first year of the course, through guided individual study and personalized tutorial activities. Specific refresher courses may also be activated to facilitate the fulfillment of training obligations. For further information regarding the verification methods as well as the additional training obligations, please refer to the teaching regulations of the study course.