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The Bachelor's Degree in Modern Languages and Cultures provides multidisciplinary training in the field of foreign languages and cultures. Students will gain proficiency in written and spoken communication in two foreign languages and a broad understanding of the cultural heritage associated with those languages.

For language learning, students have access to various resources, including lectures by professors, exercises with Language Collaborators and Experts, as well as the services offered by the University's Language Center. These services include self-learning tools such as equipped classrooms, a rich media library with audio, video, and CD materials, and a video library with films in their original language.

The degree program offers two tracks:

  1. Languages for Business
  2. Linguistic-Philological-Literary

Basic requirements for admission to the program include a propensity for language learning, interest in foreign cultures and literatures, proficiency in the Italian language, and strong organizational skills for studying.

Access to the Bachelor's Degree in Languages involves a non-selective test aimed at assessing minimum requirements, which is carried out through the TOLC-SU test provided by CISIA. The test consists of multiple-choice questions covering the following subjects: General Culture and Logic; Italian language proficiency (grammatical analysis, logical analysis, sentence structure, and text comprehension, lexical understanding).

Overview of the program

3 years
Coordinator of the course
Elena Cotta Ramusino
Humanities, Philosophy, Languages
Degree class
L-11 - Modern languages and civilisations
PAVIA - University of Pavia
Year of study: 1
Compulsory Choose a subject Select alpha language Select beta language Select gamma language
Year of study: 2
Compulsory Select 2nd year alpha language Select 2nd year beta language Select 2nd year gamma language Sub-course A - Select Civilization Sub-course A - Select gamma language 3rd year
Year of study: 3
Compulsory Select 3rd year alpha language Select 3rd year beta language Sub-course A - Select gamma language 3rd year Sub-course B - Select literature Select Civilization Choose a subject 12 elective ECTS (CFU). It is possible to choose among all subjects offered by the University (12 CFU)
Corso di Studio 05403 LINGUE E CULTURE MODERNE
e Tipo Attività Formativa D A scelta dello studente
Year of study: 1
Compulsory Choose a subject Select alpha language and literature Select beta language and literature
Year of study: 2
Select 2nd year alpha language and literature Select 2nd year beta language and literature Select Philology Choose 12 ECTS (CFU) (12 CFU)
Year of study: 3
Compulsory Select 3rd year alpha language and literature Select 3rd year beta language and literature Scegli un insegnamento vincolato alla lingua ALPHA o BETA, purché non già sostenuto Choose a subject
Scegliere un insegnamento vincolato alla lingua ALPHA o BETA, purché non già sostenuto, tra: FILOLOGIA GERMANICA – A, FILOLOGIA ROMANZA – A, FILOLOGIA SLAVA – A. Se la lingua ALPHA e la lingua BETA sono della stessa famiglia, o se entrambe le Filologie sono state già scelte al 2° anno, scegliere uno degli altri insegnamenti, purché non già sostenuto.
12 elective ECTS (CFU). It is possible to choose among all subjects offered by the University (12 CFU)
Corso di Studio 05403 LINGUE E CULTURE MODERNE
e Tipo Attività Formativa D A scelta dello studente

Educational goals

The Bachelor's Degree in "Modern Languages and Cultures" aims to offer a multidisciplinary preparation in the field of foreign languages and cultures. The ranges provided in the various categories of activity will allow a greater in-depth study of languages, also in the direction of professionalization and with a high level of knowledge of a third language. The educational path is characterized by the gradual learning of foreign languages (the language courses are divided into three years) and by the increasingly specific approach to the literary text and the cultural context with the teachings of literature and civilization. The teaching of foreign languages allows the achievement of an advanced level of overall linguistic competence (at least level B2), both in the field of reception (listening and reading) and production (written and oral), through the deepening of the grammatical, phonological, morphological, lexical, syntactic and pragmatic categories of languages. The linguistic disciplines are flanked by the study of theoretical linguistics and also, by contrast, by the study of the Italian language. For those who follow the linguistic-philological-literary path, these disciplines are also accompanied by sociolinguistics and the study of philologies. Philologies aim to provide the foundations for the knowledge of Romance/Germanic/Slavic languages through methodological, theoretical and critical tools at a linguistic and historical-cultural level, which allow to interpret the texts of the origins, to understand the methods of production, transmission and reception, to learn the mechanisms of the historical evolution of languages and to reconstruct the cultural contexts of which languages and texts are an expression. The knowledge of the different cultural contexts that are expressed in the languages under study is also among the educational objectives of the course, with differentiated methods where necessary, ranging from the range of linguistic varieties to the study of civilizations and literatures. The courses of civilization aim to provide methodological skills and tools for an in-depth and critical understanding of cultures and civilizations; as well as a geographical, historical, political-institutional, socio-cultural formation inherent in the countries to which they refer. At the end of the course, the student will have to have a general picture of the reality of the individual countries and will have to be able to describe it. The courses of literature, including Italian literature, aim to provide a solid preparation of the evolution of the literature of the countries of the languages studied, as well as the ability to analyze and interpret individual texts, and to illustrate the structural issues, problems and the connections with the history and culture of the various countries. The wide range of related courses allows students to deepen linguistic, literary, as well as historical-artistic and philosophical aspects and to provide initial training in the legal and economic fields for the professional curriculum. The wide range of related courses is not designed as a simple corollary of the main studies, but is intended to be applied and deepened as well as to provide transversal and digital skills. Always with a view to providing tools that can be used in the world of work, credits are provided for the acquisition of computer skills and for carrying out curricular internships. The study and in-depth tools are both traditional and digital.

Career opportunities

Expert in the field of foreign languages, cultures and/or literatures Employment opportunities for graduates are in public and private bodies also in the field of cultural tourism and cultural intermediation (in multi-ethnic, multicultural, or extracurricular language education contexts, etc.), in the organization of cultural and commercial events, in journalistic editorial offices, press offices, publishing houses, commercial enterprises (management of foreign relations), airlines and shipping companies (ground and on-board staff), diplomatic and consular representations. Graduates will be able to continue their studies in the master's degree and, following the subsequent paths provided for by current legislation, will be able to access the teaching of foreign languages.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to the degree course, students must have an upper secondary school diploma required by current legislation, or another qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable by the competent bodies of the University. In order to be admitted, it is also required, as an adequate initial preparation, that the student combines an interest in cultures other than his or her own, a strong sensitivity to linguistic expression and communication, a good written and oral competence in the Italian language, and an adequate cultural preparation, according to the current programs of the State High School. Knowledge of the foreign languages that will be studied is not a prerequisite. The procedures for verifying the adequacy of the initial preparation and the recovery of any gaps and deficits in the student's training (to be filled in any case within the first year of study) are governed by the Didactic Regulations of the degree course.