Enroll in two degree courses
From the academic year 2022/23 it is possible to enroll simultaneously in two degree courses offered by universities, schools, institutes with special and AFAM Institutes for music and artistic training, both in Italy and abroad.
According to the law of 12 April 2022 n. 33, from the ministerial decree n. 930 of 29 July 2022 and ministerial decree n. 933 of 2 August 2022 it is possible to enroll at the same time:
- A degree course at university level and a study course offered by an AFAM institute.
- In two degree courses;
- In two master’s degree courses/single-cycle master’s degree;
- A degree course and master’s degree/single-cycle master’s degree (if the applicant has the required degree to access it);
- A degree course/master’s degree/single-cycle master’s degree and a one-year master (if the applicant has the required degree to access education for the master program);
- A degree course/master’s degree/single-cycle master’s degree and a PhD course;
- A degree course/master’s degree/single-cycle master’s degree and a specialization course not belonging to the medical area (if the candidate has the required degree to access the specialization course);
- Two one-year masters;
- A one-year master and a PhD program;
- A one-year master and a specialization school in any field;
- A PhD course and a specialization school in any field.
For enrollment in each study program, possession of the admission qualification required by national regulations and the regulations of each educational institution involved is mandatory. You must have obtained admission on the dedicated ranking list or eligibility to access the program and year for which you are applying, as indicated by the relevant institutions.
- It is necessary to inform the University of the first program of study when applying for concurrent enrollment in a second program of study. The second enrollment is conditional until all required prerequisites are verified.
- It is necessary for the student to be up to date with the payment of fees in the University/Program of the first enrollment, and their academic record must not be under suspension. In the case of enrollment in subsequent years after the first one, the student must have renewed their enrollments for previous academic years (including recognition).
- If the enrollment pertains to two different Bachelor's, Master's, or single-cycle Master's degree programs, they must not belong to the same class and should differ in at least two-thirds of the educational activities. This differentiation does not apply if one of the two programs is offered by a foreign university.
- f the first program has mandatory attendance, the second one cannot have mandatory attendance, except when mandatory attendance is required only for laboratory and internship activities. It should be noted that in the following cases, concurrent enrollment is allowed provided that the necessary approvals are obtained from the respective collegiate bodies (as specified in the ministerial directive of 12/01/2023):
- In a doctoral research program and a master's program.
- In a doctoral research program and a specialization program (medical, as specified in Article 7 of D.M. 226/2021, and/or non-medical).
- In a master's program and a specialization program (medical and/or non-medical).
- A student enrolled in an interuniversity program that issues a joint degree is not excluded from the possibility of concurrent enrollment. However, a student who is enrolled in a program of study and participates in a mobility program that issues a double or multiple degree is excluded from the possibility of concurrent enrollment.
- In the case of the enrollment in two restricted admission programs, the student must be in a favorable position for the admission in the rankings for both programs.
- It is necessary to promptly communicate any changes related to the enrollment in the program of study that does not belong to the University of Pavia, including modifications to the personal study plan.
Until the issuance of the specific Ministerial Decree as provided for in Article 4, paragraph 2 of Law No. 33/2022, it is not possible to enroll in two study programs that are subject to national access planning.
The benefits of the right to study, for programs that allow for this possibility, are provided for a single enrollment at the national level. Total or partial exemption from fees is granted for both enrollments, provided that the requirements specified in the fee regulations of each educational institution involved are met.
For concurrent enrollment in two higher education programs, it is necessary to fill out the application for concurrent enrollment in two higher education programs, attaching:
- A front/back copy of a valid identification document.
- A personal study plan containing the list of educational activities with their corresponding University Educational Credits (CFU) and Scientific-Disciplinary Sector (ssd), or in the absence of this, any similar official document that provides information about the attended educational activities.
- Approval from the collegiate bodies (ONLY in the case of concurrent enrollment in Master's programs/Specialization Schools/Doctoral programs).
This request must be sent:
- Through Direct Line in the case of Bachelor's, Master's, or single-cycle degree programs.
- To [email protected] in the case of Master's programs of the first/second level.
- To [email protected] in the case of the School of Specialization for Legal Professions.
- To [email protected] in the case of Medical/Non-medical Specialization Schools.
- To [email protected] in the case of Doctoral Research programs.
In the case of bachelor's/master's/single-cycle degree programs, to submit an application for simultaneous enrollment in two higher education courses, the candidate must:
- REGISTER to obtain credentials by visiting the site https://studentionline.unipv.it/esse3/Home.do, selecting the "REGISTER" option, and completing all the proposed screens. This step is not necessary if you already have the credentials to access the Reserved Area of the University of Pavia. In case of loss, you must request a new password according to the instructions available at the following web page: https://studentionline.unipv.it/Anagrafica/PasswordDimenticata.do;
- ENROLL in the competition - by accessing the Reserved Area with the obtained username and password, clicking on the "SECRETARIAT - EVALUATION TEST" menu item, indicating the type of chosen course (bachelor's degree/master's degree course) and selecting the "simultaneous enrollment application" competition;
- ATTACH the following documentation:
- the application for simultaneous enrollment in two higher education courses, completed in all its parts and signed (see at the bottom of the section);
- a copy of a valid ID document (front and back);
- a personal study plan available in your Reserved Area > Study Plan containing the list of educational activities with the corresponding University Credits and Scientific-Disciplinary Sector, or, in the absence of this, another similar official document showing the information related to the attended educational activities.
Once the submitted documentation has been evaluated, the offices will notify the candidate of the acceptance or rejection of the simultaneous university enrollment application.
Contact the Direct Line