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The Master’s Degree Program in African and Asian Studies (SAA) aims to provide a deep and interdisciplinary understanding of national and international issues concerning African, Middle Eastern, and Asian countries. African and Asian Studies have a strong teaching tradition at Pavia, supported by a specialized library and a research center with its own resources (Center for the Study of Extra-European Peoples, CSPE).

The program’s courses are spread over two academic years and include lectures, seminars, document reading, case study analysis, and the preparation and discussion of brief reports. The thesis, developed on a topic agreed upon with the supervising professor, is intended to demonstrate the student’s ability to conduct independent and original research. Some lectures are delivered by professors from African and Asian countries.

A particular emphasis is placed on the advanced study of one of the following languages, chosen by the student: Arabic, Chinese, or Japanese. The SAA program offers students numerous opportunities for studying, conducting research, and preparing their thesis abroad at research centers and academic institutions in Africa, Asia, and Europe.

Overview of the program

2 years
Coordinator of the course
Antonio Maria Morone
Political and Communication Sciences
Degree class
LM-52 - International relations
PAVIA - University of Pavia
Year of study: 1
Compulsory Choose a subject Choose a subject Choose a subject Choose a subject Choose a subject

i 9 CFU dell’esame verranno acquisiti solo dopo il superamento dell’esame della stessa lingua straniera 2 (c.c.), 9 CFU al secondo anno, per un totale di 18 CFU

Choose a subject Choose a subject 12 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (12 CFU)
Year of study: 2
Compulsory Choose a subject Choose a subject Choose a subject Choose a subject

Educational goals

The second-level degree course in African and Asian Studies aims to equip students with a solid multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge, essential for a deep and expert understanding of the historical, economic and political issues of national and international interest related to African, Arab and Asian countries. The degree course combines the strong African-Asian character of the history and language modules with a solid grounding in the areas of law, economics and politics. The main learning goals of the course are: - to provide students with the advanced interdisciplinary methodological, cultural and professional knowledge essential to grasp the complexity of the historical, political and economic issues underlying international integration and development; - to provide them with the analytical tools and comparative knowledge of institutions necessary to understand the globalization process and changes in the international order and in international organisations, and the role played by diplomacy; - to equip students with a good knowledge of the research methods used in the fields of economics and history, and comparative analysis. This will enable them to work innovatively in high-level positions in national, international and European public and private sector organisations. Graduates in African and Asian Studies also acquire communication skills in both written and spoken English and one Oriental language (Arabic, Chinese and Japanese), including the specialist terminology of their studies, through the use of study material and scholarly literature in the languages chosen. At the end of their degree, graduates will be able to: a) plan and carry out highly complex operational strategies and to work in high-ranking positions both in private national and international companies and organisations and in national, international and supranational public organisations, administration bodies and institutions; b) devise, implement and monitor international and supranational cooperation and development programmes; c) continue to third-level studies (i.e., masters degree and doctorate) both in Italy and abroad. The degree course in African and Asian Studies offers students a wide range of modules to deepen their understanding of the Arab, African or Asian world, focusing in particular on the history and languages of these regions.

Career opportunities

Expert in African-Asian Studies (SAA) Job responsibilities: The graduate in SAA will have a deep and interdisciplinary knowledge of national and international topics that concern countries in the AA area, thereby enabling him or her to analyse the situation in the global south based on a thorough understanding of that area. The degree program in SAA aims at providing students with strong analytical and organizational skills, with particular importance on direct contact with the areas of interest. Field-related competencies: The emphasis on a multidisciplinary approach and language skills in the degree program are intended to allow the SAA graduate to work in state, European and international organizations. Professional career opportunities: The multidisciplinary curriculum of the degree program allows for a variety of career opportunities. Such opportunities concern the private and public sectors, even though in recent years there have been fewer openings in the private sectors, especially with NGOs. However, the multidisciplinary curriculum affords graduates a high level of adaptability with respect to the type of professionals sought by the job market. Among the many career opportunities open to graduates of the program are: foreign ministry positions and other international careers, research in public and private organizations (universities, international bodies, research centers in banks, etc.), and Italian and European administrative institutions. Knowledge of an Eastern language represents a strong point with regard to these professional opportunities.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to the master's degree program, the student must hold a bachelor's degree (including those obtained under the regulations preceding Ministerial Decree 509/1999 and subsequent amendments and integrations) or a three-year university diploma, or another foreign academic qualification recognized as suitable by the competent authorities of the University. Admission also requires meeting curricular requirements and demonstrating the adequacy of the student's initial preparation. The curricular requirements include holding a bachelor's degree in any class of three-year degrees where at least 18 university educational credits have been earned in one or more of the following scientific-disciplinary areas: SPS/13 History and Institutions of Africa, SPS/14 History and Institutions of Asia, L-OR/07 Semitics - languages and literatures of Ethiopia, L-OR/09 Languages and literatures of Africa, L-OR/10 History of Islamic countries, L-OR/12 Arabic Language and Literature, L-OR/14 Philology, religions, and history of Iran, L-OR/21 Languages and literatures of China and Southeast Asia, L-OR/22 Languages and literatures of Japan and Korea, L-OR/23 History of East and Southeast Asia, M-DEA/01 Demoenthropological disciplines, M-STO/04 Contemporary History, SPS/04 Political Science, SPS/06 History of international relations. The procedures for verifying personal preparation are outlined in the Academic Regulations of the study program.