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Students enrolled in the Master's Degree course in Classical and Oriental Antiquities study classical literatures and ancient civilizations: Greece, Rome, and the Near East (Anatolia, Syria, Mesopotamia, Egypt). The course allows for a critically in-depth understanding of literary and documentary texts in their original languages, the study of the oldest pre-classical writings, and the acquisition of comprehensive classical philological training. It also covers the political-institutional, cultural, and socio-economic history of both the Greco-Roman civilization and Near Eastern civilizations, exploring the persistence and transformations of antiquity in Western culture.

Students have the opportunity to attend, in addition to official courses, seminar lessons and conferences held by professors from other universities, both Italian and foreign. They can actively contribute to ongoing research through the preparation and presentation of individual projects, participate in excavation campaigns, and join study trips. Thanks to the Erasmus project and other international agreements, they can also spend periods of study abroad to improve their language skills and in preparation for the discussion of their final thesis.

The relatively small number of enrolled students is ideal for creating a direct student/teacher relationship, easy consultation of the rich study materials available in the library, and the timely completion of exams.

Overview of the program

2 years
Coordinator of the course
Fausto Montana
Humanities, Philosophy, Languages
Degree class
LM-15 - Ancient philology, literature and history
PAVIA - University of Pavia
Year of study: 1
Compulsory Choose a subject Choose two subjects
Year of study: 2
Compulsory Choose a subject Choose a subject 12 elective ECTS (CFU). It is possible to choose among all subjects offered by the University (12 CFU)
Year of study: 1
Compulsory Choose a subject 6 CFU a libera scelta. È possibile scegliere tra tutti gli insegnamenti offerti dall'Ateneo (6 CFU)
Year of study: 2
Compulsory Choose a subject Choose a subject 6 CFU a libera scelta. È possibile scegliere tra tutti gli insegnamenti offerti dall'Ateneo (6 CFU)
Year of study: 1
Compulsory Choose two subjects Choose 12 ECTS (CFU) (12 CFU) Choose a subject
Year of study: 2
Compulsory Choose a subject Choose a subject 12 elective ECTS (CFU). It is possible to choose among all subjects offered by the University (12 CFU)

Educational goals

This second cycle master’s degree programme is aimed at preparing students to a high level of scientific and methodological expertise within various fields of the ancient classics ( Greek, Latin and Middle-Eastern ) and therefore able to correctly interpret and analyse literary, historical, cultural and material texts relative to their specific area of study. The programme of studies offers a wide range of advanced courses, organised in both lectures and seminars, aimed at integrating a sound preparation in the fundamentals of ancient studies with more specific and advanced objectives. Through the diversity of subjects available, organised according to sector, the course aims to provide the master’s graduate with the necessary scientific tools to examine ancient Greek and Latin texts from a linguistic, philological and historical-literary view point and lead the student to achieve a knowledgeable and in-depth critical interpretation of literary texts of the ancient world. Furthermore, the student will study the essential lines of history of the reception and study of classical texts in modern times; provide specialist methodology and in-depth knowledge of Greek and Roman history ( political- social- economic ) through the study of literary and epigraphical sources; acquire the tools required for an independent and original analysis of themes relevant to the history, society and cultures of the ancient middle east ( Anatolia, Syria, Mesopotamia ) in the pre-classical era making use of both epigraphical and material primary sources. The master’s graduate will possess an advanced level of at least one EU language, in addition to Italian, and will be able to read practically the complete bibliography ( passive comprehension) relative to their area of study.

Career opportunities

The methodological, exegetical and critical expertise acquired during the two year master’s degree in Ancient Classical and Oriental Studies will prepare graduates for a career in secondary level education ( subject to successful completion of the teacher training process) and research at university level or within other institutions. Master’s graduates will be suited to management roles in libraries, archives and museums and to pursuing high level careers in education, promotion, organisation, information, publishing and tourism. Graduates will also have the necessary skills to follow a career in journalism. Opportunities can also be found in public administration departments, local institutions, public institutions, foundations, cultural institutions both in Italy and abroad, not to mention private companies involved in the retrieval, preservation, development and promotion of ancient culture.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to the master's degree program in Classical and Oriental Antiquities, the student must hold a bachelor's degree (including those obtained under the regulations preceding the D.M. 509/1999 and subsequent amendments and integrations) or a three-year university diploma, or another foreign qualification recognized as suitable by the competent authorities of the University. Additionally, admission requires possessing the necessary disciplinary skills and the adequacy of the student's initial preparation. The requirements for the master's degree in Classical and Oriental Antiquities are the bachelor's degree obtained in specific classes indicated in the Didactic Regulations of the master's degree program, and the competencies and knowledge acquired by the student in their previous educational path, expressed as a number of credits related to specific scientific-disciplinary areas outlined in the same Didactic Regulations. The Didactic Regulations also define the procedures for verifying the adequacy of the student's initial preparation.