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Organized by the Departments of Humanities, Political and Social Sciences, and Law, the Master’s Degree in Global History of Civilizations and Territories aims to offer a broad historical study program that connects multiple cultures, institutions, societies, and religions spanning Europe, the Mediterranean, Africa, and Asia. The two-year Master's program is designed to prepare professionals capable of:

  • Critically analyzing historical sources of all types, including complex and challenging texts from distant worlds, written in specific vocabularies in both ancient and modern languages.
  • Developing a critical and interpretative understanding of historical issues in their various dimensions and interconnections: from politics to economics, from religions to law, from the environment to the territory, from international relations to gender studies, from social dynamics to institutional processes, with a special focus on intercultural comparison and a global investigative perspective.
  • Independently organizing and conducting historical research activities, and communicating the results to the public with clarity and effectiveness.

Overview of the program

2 years
Coordinator of the course
Matteo Di Tullio
Political and Communication Sciences
Degree class
LM-84 - History
PAVIA - University of Pavia
Year of study: 1
Choose two subjects
Gruppo D discipline socio- economico -politiche (scegliere al massimo un esame in questo gruppo) Gruppo E discipline filosofiche, italianistiche (scegliere al massimo un esame in questo gruppo)
Choose a subject

Nota: gli esami 509550 Fonti e metodi per la storia moderna e 509551 Snodi e problemi del mondo moderno possono essere scelti se non già scelti nello slot precedente come parte degli insegnamenti integrati da 12 CFU.

Lo studente deve scegliere almeno 1 insegnamento su M-STO/01, almeno 1 su M-STO/02 e almeno 1 su M-STO/04

Choose 12 ECTS (CFU) (12 CFU) Choose a subject Choose a subject Choose a subject
Year of study: 2
Compulsory Choose a subject Choose 18 ECTS (CFU) (18 CFU) 12 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university (12 CFU)

In questa regola è possibile scegliere le attività formative presenti nell’offerta formativa di Ateneo.

Educational goals

The second-cycle degree course in Global History of Civilizations and Territories reconfirms the consolidated didactic and scientific collaboration between the Departments of Political and Social Sciences, Humanities and Law, and is aimed at providing graduates with a solid multidisciplinary competence in European and global history, in a long-term perspective ranging from the Middle Ages to the present. For this purpose, the course of study offers training activities aimed at: - the mastery of historical problems in their different dimensions and connections: from politics to economics, from religions to law, from the environment to the territory, from international relations to gender, from social dynamics to institutional dynamics, from demography to historical geography, with particular attention being paid to intercultural confrontation and all within a constant perspective of trans-national and global investigation that is also applied in the approach to general and European history, the graduate having a solid background of specific knowledge and critical-interpretative awareness; - the autonomous carrying out of research activity in the aforementioned areas, with the correct use of those research techniques required for the recognition, identification, exegesis and critical interpretation of documentary sources of various types, from different chronological periods and involving different topics , as well as the correct use of bibliographic tools and scientific literature; - the use of methodologies of analysis that are congruent to the subject and the chronological period of the research; - exploiting the resources of multimedia and information technology that are available in the context of historical investigation, both on a research level and on that involving the discussion and communication of results, not only in a specialised field but also as regards distribution and teaching in schools, with specific attention - propagated through methodological teaching as well as in specific curricular activities – dedicated to digital humanities and to telematic tools for research and historical communication; - the possession of adequate skills in the field of history teaching, such as to allow the graduate to organize and administer training courses in historic disciplines for students, in particular those attending lower- and upper-secondary schools; - fluency, both written and spoken, in a language of the European Union other than Italian, at CEFR level B2 or higher, with reference also to the disciplinary lexicons of the historical sciences. Thanks to its disciplinary profile and all its training courses, the second-cycle degree course in Global History of Civilizations and Territories seeks to prepare graduates so they are able to orient themselves in historical studies and to train them to become active citizens on all levels, from national to global. The subjects are taught mainly through seminars. The training courses will initially focus on general European and extra-European history from the Middle Ages to the modern era, to allow students to construct for themselves a study itinerary around the possible periodisations of the various historical eras (medieval, modern and contemporary) and their specific topics (history of political institutions, economic history, history of religions, legal history, etc.), with particular attention - in all subjects, but especially those of a methodological nature - to the use of sources, including digital ones. It will be possible, by means of the integrative activities, to complete the course with a strongly interdisciplinary approach, through sociological and political subjects, through digital communication as well as through philosophical and pedagogical disciplines. Verification of achievement is entrusted to the assessment of individual teachers in the case of integrated exams.

Career opportunities

The two-year second-cycle degree course aims to train professional figures who are capable of taking on highly responsible roles in cultural and research institutes, both public and private; in international and community organizations; in institutions dedicated to the design and management of cultural services and the conservation and enhancement of historical and monumental heritage; in publishing, journalism, the culture industry and communication agencies; in the field of intercultural and interreligious mediation in public administrations and non-governmental organizations. Graduates who have sufficient credits in appropriate subject areas will be able to apply, as required by current legislation, to take part in training courses for secondary school teachers. The degree in Global History of Civilizations and Territories can lead to further research for a PhD.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to the master's degree course, the student must be in possession of a degree (including that obtained according to the regulations previously in force in Ministerial Decree 509/1999 and subsequent amendments and additions) or a three-year university diploma, or another qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable by the competent bodies of the University. Admission also requires the possession of curricular requirements and the adequacy of the student's initial preparation. The curricular requirements required are a three-year degree obtained in classes L-01, L-03, L-05, L-06, L-10, L-11, L-12, L-14, L-16, L -19, L-20, L-36, L-37, L-42, LMG-1 (ex DM 270/04) and in the corresponding classes ex DM 509/99 and previous regulations, provided that the student has acquired at least 9 credits in the scientific-disciplinary sectors M-STO/01 (Medieval history) and/or M-STO/02 (Modern history) and/or M-STO/04 (Contemporary history) and/or IUS/18 (Roman law and human rights 'antiquity) and/or IUS/19 (History of medieval and modern law), to which a further 6 credits must be added in the scientific-disciplinary sectors indicated by the Teaching Regulations for each curriculum of the course of study. The same Regulation establishes the specific methods for ascertaining the requirements and the methods for verifying adequate initial preparation. Possession of basic computer knowledge is also a curricular admission requirement. This knowledge will be attested with credits acquired in previous study courses or with other certifications (Ecdl). For those who do not possess the required certifications, a check will be arranged to verify the initial preparation.