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The Master's Degree in Law for Prevention, Innovation, and Security for Businesses and Public Administration (PRISMA) aims to train legal professionals capable of developing measures and strategies for preventing and managing critical issues, irregularities, or illegalities within businesses and public administrations, while also being aware of the legal implications of technological and digital innovation. The PRISMA Master's Degree program allows students to gain in-depth legal expertise on prevention topics (including privacy, administrative liability of entities, anti-corruption, prevention of business crises, tax compliance, antitrust compliance, business contracts, social security law), as well as adequate knowledge of the legal dimensions of technological innovation (artificial intelligence and public services, private law and the digital dimension, industrial law). To achieve these educational objectives, PRISMA graduates also acquire basic knowledge in economic-business and engineering-informatics areas. Additionally, they develop adequate proficiency in the English language. The PRISMA curriculum includes opportunities for internships and traineeships at businesses and public organizations, and it is designed following the successful LM+ (Master's Degree "plus") formula already implemented by our University in other fields. Thanks to agreements with private companies and public entities, students have the opportunity to apply for paid internships, typically lasting 12 months and corresponding to 12 ECTS credits. The PRISMA Master's Degree program provides an educational path for graduates of the Bachelor's Degree in "Legal Sciences for Prevention and Security" and the Bachelor's Degree in "Legal Services Sciences," both offered by our Department. It is also naturally open to all graduates from legal degree programs at other universities (belonging to the L-14 or LMG-01 degree classes), as well as to graduates from other degree classes who have gained significant experience in the legal field (by acquiring at least 36 ECTS credits in legal disciplines, including at least 6 ECTS credits in IUS/01, 6 ECTS credits in IUS/04, 6 ECTS credits in IUS/10, and 6 ECTS credits in IUS/17).

Overview of the program

2 years
Coordinator of the course
Giovanni Petroboni
Degree class
LM/SC-GIUR - Scienze Giuridiche
PAVIA - University of Pavia
Year of study: 1
Compulsory 6 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (6 CFU)
  • STAGE 6 CFU - 150 hours
Year of study: 2
Compulsory 6 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (6 CFU)
  • STAGE 6 CFU - 150 hours

Educational goals

The training objective of the master's degree course in Prevention, Innovation and Security Law for Business and Public Administration (PRISMA) is to train internal auditors, compliance managers and legal experts for privacy and artificial intelligence or similar professional figures. Overall, the master's degree aims to offer its students strategic training that includes knowledge of the different branches of law that affect the activity and organizational structure of companies and public bodies and of the needs that they express in relation to innovation. technology, the prevention of illicit phenomena and security (internal and external): jurists with a high specialization and capable of quickly integrating, immediately after graduation, into both the private and public working context, even in complex organizations. To achieve the indicated objective, theoretical learning and advanced legal knowledge are combined with both practical training activities and specialized disciplinary teachings suitable for developing that complementarity of skills functional to the solution of the different application problems that the professional figures required today by the market they must know how to identify and manage. To this end, the legal training that characterizes the course is mainly concentrated in four areas: a) Area of civil law; b) Commercial law area; c) Area of administrative law; d) Area of criminal law The training course also covers specific topics such as the protection of IT security; the protection of privacy; data management; the prevention and repression of corruption; artificial intelligence. The technical-legal aspects linked to innovation, prevention and safety take on an essential function in the training project and complete all the teachings transversally. Furthermore, the study plan does not neglect other areas of specialist interest, linked to the reality of production activities, such as labor disciplines, competition disciplines and tax disciplines. The first three semesters are dedicated to compulsory courses for all students while the fourth semester includes some elective courses, any internship and the degree thesis. The exams of choice can be freely indicated by the students who will in any case be presented with a range of preferential options calibrated to the educational objectives of the degree course. The learning of the English language is ensured within the degree course both as a function of the mastery of legal and technical-operational terminology, and for the purposes of acquiring skills for the development, communication and management of information and documentation using IT and telematic tools and methods. More in detail, the courses are structured in such a way as to allow dedicated training for the indicated professional figures. In the field of business-related studies, particular attention is paid to contracts, credit guarantees, financial information, regulatory and tax compliance, and internal audit; on the public administration side, the issues of digitalisation of public services, transparency, anti-corruption and market regulation are explored in depth. The legal aspects linked to artificial intelligence and the regulation of privacy are the subject of targeted studies from both a public and private perspective. Finally, the study plan enhances the possibility of providing "internships and training courses in public or private companies and organisations" allowing students to carry out a training period in private or public working environments.

Career opportunities

The PRISMA graduate, thanks to the skills acquired in the legal, economic, technological and linguistic/communicative fields, will be able to usefully enter the internal control services of complex companies (listed companies, banks, insurance companies, financial intermediaries and other companies subject to the supervision of public authorities supervisory). In particular, in addition to the possibility of working in the sector of drafting, implementation and implementation of organizational models pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01, the graduate of this course of study will be able to boast the knowledge necessary to play the role of member of the Supervisory Body Supervision or to be included, within the company, in the internal audit office Compliance officer The PRISMA graduate, thanks to the skills acquired in the legal, economic, technological and linguistic fields, will be able to usefully fit into complex companies to carry out specific functions relating to compliance. A further job opportunity for this master's degree is undoubtedly represented by financial reporting and information services; from the so-called services paralegal at entities that carry out consultancy activities for companies in the sectors of legislative and regulatory compliance, data protection and anti-money laundering (such as consultancy and legal auditing companies, and associated law firms). Clearly, the more traditional possibilities of entry into the internal legal offices of companies are also open to PRISMA graduates, where - in addition to the more specific skills in terms of prevention of crimes and risks, already mentioned - they will be able to spend the training acquired in the editorial office of business contracts, and in particular of clauses with a credit guarantee function and clauses with a guarantee function in works and service contracts. Legal expert for privacy and artificial intelligence In businesses and public administrations, PRISMA graduates will be able to assume the role of legal consultant expert in technologies and protection of personal data. In companies you will be able to specifically assume the role of DPO (Data protection officer). The LM PRISMA provides excellent basic and specialist preparation to face the most various types of competitions for access to public administrations - including at managerial level - in traditional administrations, in independent authorities (Agcm, Arera, Agcom, Art, Consob , Anac, Bank of Italy) and in European and international agencies. In the future it can also present itself as a form of preparation for the functions of clerk in the Trial Office. Public administration sectors of particular interest include public security, public health, environmental protection, digitalisation of public administration, prevention of corruption, market regulation and technological innovation.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to the master's degree course, the student must possess a three-year university degree or diploma, or another qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable by the competent University bodies. In order to meet the objectives of the course, students are required to have specific curricular requirements and adequate initial preparation. These requirements consist of obtaining a degree in the L-14 and LMG-01 classes; alternatively, graduates in different degree classes are admitted provided they have obtained at least 36 CFU in the IUS/* sectors of which at least 6 CFU in IUS/01, 6 CFU in IUS/04, 6 CFU in IUS/10, 6 CFU in IUS/17. The Teaching Regulations establish the specific methods for ascertaining the requirements and the methods for verifying adequate initial preparation.