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The Master's Degree in Modern Philology provides a solid foundation in philology, linguistics, and historical-literary criticism, with openings to intersections between literary objects and visual and media languages.

Graduates emerge as intellectually qualified individuals equipped with secure cultural competencies, as well as critical attitudes and working methods that can be applied in professional fields beyond the strictly humanistic.

Various career opportunities await graduates in Modern Philology, including potential further studies (doctoral schools, master's programs, advanced courses), access to teaching positions in Italy and abroad through current regulatory channels, or pathways leading to journalism professions. They can also pursue diverse and extensive fields in cultural information and communication, such as cultural centers, research centers, study centers, libraries, archives, and museums.

Overview of the program

2 years
Coordinator of the course
Mauro Bignamini
Humanities, Philosophy, Languages
Degree class
LM-14 - Modern philology
PAVIA - University of Pavia
Year of study: 1
Compulsory Choose two subjects Choose a subject
Year of study: 2
Compulsory Choose a subject 12 elective ECTS (CFU). It is possible to choose among all subjects offered by the University (12 CFU)
Corso di Studio 05419 FILOLOGIA MODERNA
e Tipo Attività Formativa D A scelta dello studente

Educational goals

The second-cycle degree course in Modern Philology aims to provide graduates with a rigorous disciplinary preparation thanks to solid historical-critical knowledge, excellent methodological tools, and advanced philological and linguistic skills. The overall achievement of philological and technical skills and methodologies develops in the students cultural awareness and the capacity to interpret critically the texts of the different fields within which historical-cultural contexts belong, refining the appropriate disciplinary language as well as expressive and communicative skills. Graduates acquire a coherent and varied wealth of knowledge, from Romanic philology to modern and contemporary linguistic and literary disciplines, and methodological techniques, through a wide range of specialized courses relating to those academic disciplines qualifying for the second-cycle degree in Modern Philology: L-FIL-LET / 09, L-FIL-LET / 10, L-FIL-LET / 11, L-FIL-LET / 12, L-FIL-LET / 13. The disciplinary base which, after the three-year training period, crosses the field of literary humanistic studies from its Roman origins to the Renaissance to modernity and contemporaneity, is strong and cohesive. In particular, specific and in-depth courses are proposed which, through similar and integrative training activities and a range of elective courses, are intended to strengthen students’ knowledge, responding in this way to their requests and different interests: 1) the Italian and Romanic aspect of the origins (the academic disciplines involved are: L-FIL-LET / 09, L-FIL-LET / 10, L-FIL-LET / 12, L-FIL-LET / 13); 2) the intersections, interferences and transformations of the literary code in contact with other languages, with particular attention to philosophical discourse, through the dialogue between Italian literature and modern and contemporary philosophical cultures, to the interweaving of literature and visual studies, to the word 'agita' on screen and on stage, to reading and writing practices in new media 'containers' (the academic disciplines involved are: M-STO / 08, SPS / 08, L-FIL-LET / 10, L-FIL-LET / 11, L-FIL -LET / 12). Other chronological and cultural areas of Italian language and literature are also explored with the tools of philology, linguistics and stylistics, as in in the previous course of well supervised study (the most relevant academic disciplines are: L-FIL-LET / 10 , L-FIL-LET / 12, L-FIL-LET / 13). By making use of the 12 free choice credits provided for in the study plan, the student will also be able to include further subjects consistent with his / her path and with the topic of the final exam, taking advantage of subjects offered in other second-cycle degree courses of the Department and the University. In terms of teaching, the course offers a wide range of advanced subjects in core sectors, which are conducted both by means of lectures and through the frequent use of seminars and workshops, in close interaction and discussion with teachers. These teaching methods, flanked by specific apprenticeships and orienting and formative internships and tutorial activities, are aimed at fostering critical and dialogical skills and personal reflection in the students. Of particular importance are the possibilities offered by the internships, which allow students to profit and enrich their wealth of knowledge in contact with prestigious cultural institutions in the area: in particular the Mondadori Foundation, the Feltrinelli Foundation and Corriere della Sera Foundation all in Milan, or, in Pavia, the Manuscripts Centre of Modern and Contemporary Authors at the University, and the State Archives. The final exam, which is under the guidance of a supervisor and co-supervisor, constitutes an educational objective that is intended to integrate and develop to the maximum personal elaboration and learning skills, including methodological skills, in the student, on account of the commitment, rigour and continuous application required. The course reinforces the correct and fluent use of at least one language of the European Union in addition to Italian, in written and oral form, with reference also to the single linguistic disciplines.

Career opportunities

Qualified intellectuals who can be employed in the world of school, research and the culture industry By following the specific paths provided for by current legislation, graduates will be able to teach the humanities. Other possible career opportunities for graduates of a second-cycle degree in Modern Philology include:- continuation of tertiary study and training for research activity; professional activity in the field of publishing, in the tertiary sector, in the areas of cultural information and communication, public relations, enterprises and public and private institutions (with particular regard to cultural centres, research centres, study centres, foundations, libraries, archives, superintendencies, museums).

Admission requirements

To be admitted to the master's degree course, the student must be in possession of a three-year university degree or diploma (including that obtained according to the regulations previously in force under Ministerial Decree 509/1999 and subsequent amendments and additions) or another qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable by the competent bodies of the University. Furthermore, possession of an adequate basic historical-literary culture and the curricular requirement consisting of a first level degree in one of the following classes is required: pursuant to the Ministerial Decree. 270/2004: L-1 Cultural heritage L-5 Philosophy L-6 Geography L-10 Letters L-11 Modern languages and cultures L-42 History pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/1999: 5 Letters 11 Modern languages and cultures 13 Cultural heritage sciences 29 Philosophy 30 Geographical sciences 38 Historical sciences or in the degree title of the old system (prior to Ministerial Decree 509/99) in: Conservation of cultural heritage, Letters, Philosophy , Geography, Foreign languages and literatures, Italian language and culture, History, History and conservation of cultural heritage. For an evaluation (not selective, but indicative) of personal preparation, an admission interview is scheduled in order to ascertain any training deficits to be filled before enrolment. The teaching regulations of the master's course define in more detail the procedures for verifying the adequacy of the student's initial preparation.