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The Master's Degree Program in Musicology aims to provide a broad and differentiated training in methodologies and repertoires, equipping musicologists with the skills to engage in professional activities that require an in-depth knowledge of music history and theory, as well as world music and contemporary popular music. Graduates will also be able to conduct original research in the field and complement their performance or composition skills with a solid historical and theoretical background. Graduates can pursue careers in the study, promotion, and enhancement of music as an art form, its placement within the knowledge system, and its role in public and social life. They will be capable of planning, coordinating, and performing high-level professional activities at organizations and institutions, and in various fields of communication related to musical culture. The course also provides the necessary foundation to access further educational paths that require a Master's Degree (PhD programs, second-level master's programs, teaching competitions). The program offers a wide range of study paths designed to support the diverse study interests and career aspirations of each student.


Admission to the Master's Degree Program in Musicology requires one of the following qualifications:

  1. A Bachelor's Degree (old or new academic system) or a three-year university diploma that includes at least two years of historical-musical or technical-musical disciplines or 18 CFU (university credits) in the L-ART/07 and/or L-ART/08 sectors;
  2. Another qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable by the competent bodies of the University;
  3. A First-Level Academic Diploma awarded by a Conservatory of Music or an equivalent Music Institute or another institution within the Higher Artistic and Musical Education (AFAM) sector, provided it includes at least two years or 18 CFA (academic credits) of historical-musical or technical-musical disciplines;
  4. An institutional diploma awarded by a Conservatory of Music or an equivalent Music Institute, provided it includes at least two years of historical-musical or technical-musical disciplines. The validity of qualifications (3) and (4) for admission to the Master's Degree, according to Law no. 268 of November 22, 2002, is subject to the possession of a secondary school diploma and adequate general cultural preparation.

Overview of the program

2 years
Coordinator of the course
Pietro Zappala'
Musicology and Cultural Heritage
Degree class
LM-45 - Musicology and musical heritage
branch office in Cremona
Year of study: 1
Choose a subject Choose a subject Choose five subjects Choose a subject 12 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (12 CFU)
Year of study: 2
Compulsory Choose 12 ECTS (CFU) (12 CFU) Choose a subject Choose a subject Scegli un insegnamento

Educational goals

The Master's Degree in Musicology aims at a broad and differentiated education. Master's degree graduates will have acquired the appropriate skills for the management and conservation of musical heritage (books, organological, phonographic). They will also have acquired a solid knowledge of musical repertoires, which will allow them to manage the production and promotion of musical events within public or private structures interested in the dissemination of musical culture, including training institutes. Master's degree graduates will also have developed the palaeographic and philological skills to work in the field of music publishing as curators or music consultants. Finally, master's degree graduates will have the skills to offer original scientific and interdisciplinary research in the field of historical musicology, as well as systematic musicology and ethnomusicology. The wide range of musicological and extramusicological disciplines that characterize the educational path of the master's degree graduate guarantees the acquisition of in-depth knowledge in the various declinations of historical musicology (history of music, musical philology, bibliography and archival documentation, organology, performance practice) and systematic (musical analysis, musical sociology, musical aesthetics), as well as in the fields of ethnomusicology and popular music. Linguistic, historical, philosophical and scientific disciplines applied to the various fields of musical knowledge also contribute to a greater interdisciplinary understanding of musical phenomena. Finally, the training of the master's degree graduate is completed with the knowledge of the main computer tools applied to musicological research and the ability to express themselves in written and oral form in at least one language of the European Union in addition to Italian. The course of study is structured in such a way as to be able to provide several in-depth courses that focus from time to time on one of the various areas of operation of the musicologist, in view of his or her inclusion in the world of work as a consultant for production institutions, editorial manager, curator and conservator of musical heritage and as a promoter of cultural events.

Career opportunities

Musicologist in the field of media (consultant, critic, publicist, radio, television, communication networks, newspapers and magazines); in the field of teaching, after passing specific training courses provided for by current legislation (teachers of musical disciplines in lower and upper secondary schools and in music conservatories); in the field of research (PhDs, with a view to in-depth disciplinary studies and entry into the academic world). Editor and editor of editions Career opportunities in music and generalist publishing houses; record companies; television and radio broadcasters; newspapers, magazines and periodicals. Conservator and curator of collections Librarian and archivist at music libraries and sound and audiovisual archives; curator, consultant, supervisor, official at museums and instrument collections; archivist at Research Foundations. Music Production Operator Artistic production worker and promoter of cultural initiatives on behalf of theaters, concert societies, media, and other production bodies and institutions interested in the dissemination of musical culture.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to the Master's degree course, students must: a) be in possession of one of the following qualifications: a1) degree (including the one obtained according to the regulations in force prior to Ministerial Decree 509/1999 and subsequent amendments and additions) a2) Three-year university degree a3) A first-level academic diploma issued by a Conservatory of Music or by an equivalent music institute or by another institute in the field of Higher Artistic and Musical Education (AFAM) a4) A diploma issued by a Conservatory of Music or an equivalent music institute. a5) another qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable by the competent bodies of the University; The validity of qualifications a3) and a4) for the purposes of admission to the master's degree, pursuant to Law no. 268 of 22 November 2002, is subject to the possession of a secondary school diploma. b) be in possession of the curricular requirements specified below and an adequate personal preparation (with solid skills in the fields of music theory and music history, a good humanistic preparation and a basic knowledge of the English language). c) be able to use the main IT tools with particular regard to the specific field of musical disciplines. The curricular requirements for admission are: - for those who have obtained a university degree: the possession of at least 18 credits in the scientific-disciplinary sectors L-ART/07 (Musicology and History of Music) and/or L-ART/08 (Ethnomusicology) - for those who have obtained an AFAM qualification: the possession of at least 18 CFAs (or two annual or four semester exams) of historical-musical or technical-musical disciplines The Didactic Regulations of the degree programme define procedures aimed at verifying the adequacy of the student's initial preparation.