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The Master’s Degree in Philosophy aims to train specialists who possess advanced theoretical and methodological tools in the field of philosophical studies. The program provides a solid foundation in the historical development of philosophical thought while equipping students with the skills to analyze and understand theoretical issues in philosophical inquiry, including core topics in epistemology, ethics, and aesthetics. This training is designed to support the interpretation of cultural phenomena and the analysis of complex cognitive and communicative processes that characterize contemporary society.

Additionally, the program aims to develop proficiency in at least two European Union languages beyond Italian, both in written and spoken forms, including familiarity with the specific terminologies of the disciplines involved.

Overview of the program

2 years
Coordinator of the course
Sergio Filippo Magni
Humanities, Philosophy, Languages
Degree class
LM-78 - Philosophy
PAVIA - University of Pavia
Year of study: 1
Choose three subjects
Nel Piano di studi in nessun caso è possibile inserire due volte lo stesso corso (biennalizzare), né inserire un corso già sostenuto durante la laurea triennale. Questa regola vale anche per i corsi di 12 CFU costituti da corsi –a e -b e per i corsi –a e –b che vanno a formare un corso da 12 CFU. Per esempio, non si può inserire di nuovo Storia romana (12 CFU) se si è sostenuto Storia romana–a (6 CFU) e non si può inserire di nuovo Storia romana -b (6 CFU) se si è sostenuto Storia romana (12 CFU). Questi vincoli valgono anche per i piani individuali. Tutte le note e tutti i vincoli indicati devono essere osservati. La non osservanza degli stessi potrebbe portare alla stesura di un piano di studi (e quindi di una carriera studente) che potrebbe risultare illegittimo e al limite invalidare la laurea conseguita. I corsi con la dicitura “Un. di Bergamo” devono essere seguiti presso l’Università di Bergamo e i relativi esami devono essere svolti in quella sede. Si tenga presente che, secondo le leggi vigenti, per potersi dedicare all’insegnamento si deve essere in possesso di una laurea specialistica/magistrale. La laurea magistrale in Filosofia consente di avere accesso: alla Classe di concorso e di abilitazione Filosofia e Scienze umane A 18 (ex 36/A) a condizione che nei cinque anni di corso (tre + due) risultino, oltre ai crediti negli esami di filosofia, 24 CFU in discipline pedagogiche (M-PED/01, M-PED/02, M-PED/04), 24 CFU in discipline psicologiche (M-PSI/01, M-PSI/02, M-PSI/04, M-PSI/05 o 06) e 24 CFU in discipline sociologiche (SPS /07, SPS/08, SPS/09, SPS/11, SPS/12). alla Classe di concorso e di abilitazione Filosofia e Storia A 19 (ex 37/A) a condizione che nei cinque anni di corso risultino, oltre ai crediti negli esami di filosofia, 12 CFU in Storia greca o in Storia romana (L-ANT/02 o 03), 12 CFU in Storia medievale (M- STO/01), 12 CFU in Storia moderna o contemporanea (M-STO/02 o 04). Gli studenti che non abbiano conseguito i crediti indicati durante il triennio potranno provvedere a inserire i corsi necessari nel piano di studi della laurea specialistica nelle scelte libere oppure in soprannumero. Va inoltre tenuto presente che a partire dal 2018 per partecipare ai concorsi relativi alle classi sopraindicate lo studente dovrà aver conseguito 24 CFU in corsi certificati appartenenti ad almeno tre dei seguenti diversi ambiti disciplinari: a) pedagogia, pedagogia speciale e didattica dell’inclusione; b) psicologia; c) antropologia; d) metodologie e tecnologie didattiche generali. Ulteriori informazioni si possono ottenere collegandosi al seguente link: Per problemi nella compilazione del piano di studi è consigliabile prendere contatto con il Referente della Laurea Magistrale, Prof. Sergio Filippo Magni.
Choose three subjects Choose 12 ECTS (CFU) (12 CFU)
Uno o due insegnamenti per un totale di 12 CFU
Choose a subject
I moduli A/B con codici 509281 e 509282 non possono essere scelti da chi ha già sostenuto in triennale l’esame di Filosofia del linguaggio 503368.
Choose a subject
Year of study: 2
Compulsory Choose two subjects Choose two subjects Choose 12 ECTS (CFU) - Dissertation in theoretical-philosophical core subject (12 CFU) 12 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (12 CFU)
Corso di Studio 05411 FILOSOFIA
e Tipo Attività Formativa D A scelta dello studente

In questa regola è possibile scegliere le attività formative presenti nell’offerta formativa di Ateneo.

Educational goals

This masters degree course aims to complete and specialise the theoretical and methodological preparation initiated in the three year bachelors degree in Philosophy. In general, the two year course aims to provide, alongside an in-depth knowledge of the historical evolution of philosophical thinking, the ability to deeply analyse and understand: the issues concerning philosophical investigation, specialist themes concerning the theory of knowledge, epistemology, ethics, politics and aesthetics, in view of the interpretation of cultural phenomena and analysis of cognitive and communicative processes which characterise todays society. During the first year the student has the opportunity to study in depth the main themes of philosophical reflection through specialized courses and seminars. During the second year the student will focus on the writing of the master degree thesis. The degree course also promotes the possibility of carrying out long-term internships in qualified companies. Graduates of the masters degree course must achieve, according to courses selected, the following: - in-depth study of the theoretical and methodological instruments of the study of Philosophy. - A sound knowledge of the historical evolution of philosophical thinking. - An appreciative understanding of the underlying reasons of philosophical problems in light of a personal theoretical processing of the general and specific issues which interest human beings and their relationship with nature and the world of science, their bonds with cultural and religious traditions, the world of artistic expression, the need for knowledge, taking into consideration the articulation of the problems related these areas: - An understanding of the logical/epistemological dimension and communication problems in different social and technological contexts both in cognitive and ethical terms; - The necessary tools for aesthetic reflection leading to an understanding the different artistic forms characteristic of different world cultures; - Essential knowledge relative to ethics, history and political philosophy, law and contemporary social sciences, natural sciences and cognitive sciences; - An advanced level, both written and oral, of at least one EU language. The masters degree in Philosophy also provides: - competence in the reading and comprehension of texts; also in their original language, and in the preparation of an original and critical analysis; - a good command of terminology and methods regarding problem analysis and the different argumentative methods of philosophical discourse; - competence in writing and oral expression relative to philosophical subjects; - knowledge of the methods of formal reasoning; - study of historical, literary and artistic, psychological, sociological, pedagogical, anthropological and scientific disciplines complementary to the study of philosophy and at the same time enhance employability; - full command of the use of bibliographic tools. The course of studies may be structured in various ways in keeping with the tradition of the study of Philosophy at the University of Pavia.

Career opportunities

Expert in philosophy The course addresses the teaching profession at middle school but more specifically high school (subject to compliance with the requirements and the procedure provided for by current legislation for access to teaching) and can lead to further research in the field of philosophical disciplines. Graduates in Philosophy will also be able to carry out professional activities in various fields, assuming the role of manager / officer / consultant, employee or freelancer in public and private cultural institutions: libraries, museums, foundations, parks and science centres, galleries, social and orientation services that provide training and curricular planning, certain types of tourist and hospitality activities and so on. They will be able to play important roles in the creation and organization of events in the field of cinema and theatre. They can also act as directors or editors in publishing houses, newspaper and periodical press offices, companies specializing in electronic and multimedia publishing, press / advertising and public relations offices, company personnel offices. Given the extensive training achieved, rich in interdisciplinary aspects, they will be able to operate as experts in human resource management, as assistant to the personnel director or in personnel selection and management. Finally, they will also be able to operate effectively within large companies, not only in the recruiting and managing personnel, but also as promoters of synergistic relationships between the company and external bodies or internal associations.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to the master's degree course, the student must be in possession of a degree (including that obtained according to the regulations previously in force under Ministerial Decree 509/1999 and subsequent amendments and additions) or a three-year university diploma, or another qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable by the competent bodies of the University. Admission also requires the possession of curricular requirements and the adequacy of the student's initial preparation (i.e. the possession of basic knowledge in the field of the history of philosophy and in the specific areas of theoretical, ethical-political, logical-epistemological research , aesthetic-linguistics; as well as the mastery of philosophical terminology and the ability to understand, also through the support of critical literature, the significant texts of the philosophical tradition). The required curricular requirements are the skills and knowledge acquired by the student in the previous training course, expressed in the form of a number of credits referring to specific scientific-disciplinary sectors and precisely at least: - 24 CFU in the following SSDs: M-FIL/01, M-FIL/02, M-FIL/03, M-FIL/04, M-FIL/05 with exams taken in at least two different scientific-disciplinary sectors - 24 CFU in the following SSDs: M-FIL/06. M-FIL/07, M-FIL/08 with exams taken in at least two different scientific-disciplinary sectors The Teaching Regulations define the procedures to verify the adequacy of the student's initial preparation