A.A. 2024/25
The Post-BA Vocational Program aims to meet a precise training need in tune with a labour market that operates on an international scale and closely follows developments in the economic, social and cultural changes of today's world. The function of the course is therefore to prepare future professionals who can operate in the field of international cooperation for whom, the mere sensitivity to working in different and often difficult contexts is not enough, but must be complemented with targeted economic, humanistic and project skills, fostering the development of those characteristics of creativity, spirit of independence and decision-making that are necessary for this type of professionalism.
The professional figure trained in the Vocational Programme can find employment in non-governmental organisations, international organisations, public, private and non-profit bodies working in the field of development cooperation, UN agencies or other bodies/networks operating in the field of development policies at international level.
The training course is characterised by a strong multidisciplinary profile and an important professionalisation orientation. The theoretical part is divided into the macro areas of:
The Project Cycle Management module is preparatory to the internship and is of particular importance within the course curriculum, as it integrates several highly formative aspects: the use of professionals from the world of international cooperation (non-governmental organisations, international organisations), a participative and inclusive teaching method through the systematic use of structured group work. Students are confronted with project case studies that are then discussed and analysed: this encourages interaction within the class and creates a common responsibility in seeking solutions that are then developed on a concrete level. The internship represents a fundamental and highly professionalising part of the Vocational Program, lasting from 3 to 6 months at NGOs, International Organisations, foundations, research centres, public and private institutions all over the world. The internship experience is carefully prepared by a special figure of the internship tutor who, through periodic individual and group meetings, has the task of orienting students.
Students coming from Developing Countries and from areas of strategic and priority interest for the Italian cooperation, statistically in the previous editions, have represented about 50% of the class and their presence constitutes a distinctive and peculiar character of the Vocational Program, which by nature aims at valorising deserving and talented young people in conditions of severe poverty, working to strengthen the capacity building of the countries of origin in close collaboration with the Italian cooperation.
Students from developing countries (DCs) may alternatively receive:
These financial benefits are awarded each year on the basis of candidates' merit, assessed through the analysis of their qualifications (as per their CVs) and motivational interview.
All students, including those benefiting from exemptions and scholarships, will in any case be required to pay the following fees: admission fee (€ 35.00), stamp duty on the application form (€ 16.00), secretarial fees (€ 142.00) and the fee for the reimbursement of expenses for the award of the Master's degree (€ 116.00).
For students who are not from developing countries, but who are in a disadvantaged economic situation as proven by the ISEE model submitted or by self-certification submitted, exemptions/scholarships will be granted as follows:
These financial benefits are assigned each year on the basis of each enrolled student's merit, assessed through the analysis of qualifications (as per CV) and motivational interview.
All students, including those who benefit from exemptions and scholarships, will in any case be required to pay the following fees: admission fee (€ 35.00), stamp duty on the application form (€ 16.00), secretarial fees (€ 142.00) and the fee for the reimbursement of expenses for the award of the Master's degree (€ 116.00).
The type and number of exemptions and scholarships will be specified on the Vocational Program's website: www.cooperationdevelopment.org.
The Organizational Secretary will be located at:
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione
Via A. Ferrata, 5 - 27100 Pavia (PV)
E: [email protected]
P: 0382.6992201