Links condivisione social

After enrollment

At the University of Pavia, you will be part of an international community of knowledge, research, and innovation, living in a city where everything you need is accessible, close, and well-connected.

Discover our facilities!

Students can access the following online services provided by the University:

  • Student Portal
  • University e-mail address
  • MyUniPv App
  • Free Wi - Fi connections
  • KIRO - e-learning platform (if the postgraduated course uses this platform instead of a dedicated one)
  • UNIPV per te.

Find out more about our online services!

1) Smart Card
The Smart Card is the magnetic card to access the following services:

  • water dispensers in the following buildings:
    Engineering Department, C floor
    San Tommaso Palace
    Chemestry Department
    Botta 2 Library, via Ferrata
    Physics Department, Via Bassi
    Economics Department, via San Felice al monastero
    Campus Aquae Buildings, Via Cascinazza
    Bordeaux Classrooms at Engineering Department
  • access to the San Tommaso Library
  • access to the bathrooms in the central University
  • access to some restricted areas of the University with controlled access gates.

How to collect your Smart Card:

  1. request your Smart Card, writing to [email protected]
  2. after receiving an e-mail. notifying that the card is available, collect your card at the Post Graduated Office, in Via A. Ferrata 5, during the opening hours > Tuesday: 10:00-12:00 / 14.00 -16.00.

In case of loss, it is possible to request a duplicate, by writing an e-mail to [email protected] indicating your personal data and tax code.

2) Ateneo Card
The Ateneo Card is the identification card of University of Pavia students and is issued by Banca Popolare di Sondrio.

The card can be activated, without any costs, as a prepaid rechargeable credit card and it can also be used in stores in contactless mode or for internet purchases.

How to collect your Ateneo Card

The University of Pavia offers many tutor or part-time job collaborations at the University Offices.

Check these opportunities!

The University of Pavia provides its students with a Psychological Counseling Service: the Service offers psychological support to students, also in English, with particular attention to anxiety, depression, stress, and other sources of distress, including risky behaviors.

For further information, please visit the dedicated webpage.

The SAISD Center (University Centre for Special Need Students) offers a service of reception, assistance, and integration within the University; it organizes, supports, coordinates, and monitors all initiatives concerning the integration of disabled students in all aspects of university life, enabling attendance at lectures, laboratories, access to libraries, and all University facilities.

For further information, please visit the dedicated webpage.

Discover UNIPV's placement service!

Please remember that it is necessary, for all enrolled in Vocational Programs/Advanced Courses, to attend the General Safety Training Course according to the methods indicated at the bottom of this paragraph.
Failure to attend the General Safety Training Course precludes admission to the final exam.

At the end of the course, a certificate will be issued, which must be sent to the relevant Organizational Secretary.

If you already have a certificate certifying completion of the General Training (even issued by another institution), it should be sent by e-mail to the Reference for Safety and Health Training in the Workplace at the University ([email protected]), in order to evaluate possible exemption from the course.


Vocational Programs and some Advanced Courses include a mandatory curricular internship, the duration of which is indicated in the study plan of each course.

By curricular internships, we mean internships included in the study plans of universities based on regulatory norms, or other experiences provided within a formal educational or training path, whose purpose is not directly to promote employment insertion, but rather to refine the learning and training process through a so-called alternation modality.


1) Activation of the Agreement
In order to activate an internship project, it is first necessary to verify the existence of an active agreement: CONSULT the list of active agreements.

If no agreement is already active between the hosting institution/company and the University of Pavia, a new agreement must be activated by the institution/company on the AlmaLaurea portal. 
The University Orientation Centre manages the process of activating a new agreement on the AlmaLaurea platform.

CLICK HERE for more information on how to activate an agreement (this operation must be carried out by the hosting institution/company).
To activate an agreement at a location abroad, contact the Post Graduate Office by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

2) Activation of the Training Project
Once the agreement has been activated, the student must contact the relevant Organizational Secretary to activate the Training Project of the curricular internship, which must be signed by

  • student
  • university tutor
  • company tutor

and delivered to the same secretary at least 15 days before the start of the activity indicated therein (DOCUMENT available at the end of this chapter).

The Training Project must NOT be uploaded on the AlmaLaurea portal: the procedure for activating internship projects for Vocational Programs and Advanced Courses differs, in this step, from that for degree courses.
It is necessary to submit the Training Project, in original, to the relevant Organizational Secretary.

At the end of the internship, the student must hand over the Final Report of the hosting institution/company.


In case of voluntary interruption of attendance, it's necessary to:

  1. initiate the withdrawal procedure through the Student Portal (TUTORIAL available at the end of this chapter)
  2. pay a virtual stamp duty of 16 Euros
  3. once the procedure has been completed, send an e-mail of notice to the Master's Degree Course Secretariat (with a cc [email protected]).
Talk with us

Contact the Post-Graduate Office
E: [email protected] 

For administrative information only; for information on a specific course and on didactics, please contact the relevant Organizational Secretary.

Book an appointment

DESK in-person
Ufficio Post Laurea Via Ferrata 5 – Pavia
Tuesday: 10:00-12:00 / 14.00 -16.00

Please note that the desk in-person is only available for issuing certificates and practices not manageable through e-mail or calls.