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Students enrolled in or graduated from a foreign university

NOTE: For open access courses, the procedure will be active during these periods:

Candidates with EU and non-EU citizenship: from January 10, 2024, to June 6, 2024
Candidates with EU and non-EU citizenship only if residing in Italy: from September 1, 2024, to September 11, 2024.

For scheduled access courses, please refer to the respective announcements to know the timing and procedure to follow.

  1. Register on this portal;
  2. Access the menu (top right corner) and select the item "Secretary > Evaluation Tests";
  3. Select “Evaluation competition for pre-evaluation of foreign careers and transfer from foreign universities” from the menu on the "Competition List" page;
  4. Select the name of the study course of interest from the list in the menu on the "Preferences – Express preferences related to the chosen evaluation test" page;
  5. Upload the required documentation on the 'Management of qualifications and documents for evaluation' page;
  6. Confirm and submit the application;
  7. Pay the application fee of 51 euros;

A. Original degree (or certified copy or substitute certificate) allowing enrollment in the chosen course of study (undergraduate/single-cycle master's* and master's), officially translated into Italian** and:

  1. Legalized*** by the Italian diplomatic representations in the country where the degree was obtained;
  2. Or bearing the 'Apostille' stamp by the competent local authorities for countries adhering to the Aja Convention of 05.10.1961;
  3. Or Certificate of Verification issued by CIMEA (login here to request it).

**For degrees issued in English, Spanish, or French, no translation is required.

B1. Certificate of Correspondence downloadable from the Automatic Recognition Database (ARDI) - if the degree was obtained in one of the countries signing the Lisbon Convention;


B2. Declaration of value issued by the competent Italian diplomatic representation or Certificate of Comparability issued by CIMEA (login here to request it) or Diploma Supplement issued by the university of origin - if the degree was NOT obtained in one of the countries signing the Lisbon Convention;

C. Transcript of records/certificate of previous university studies;

D. Syllabus of the exams taken with the respective translation into Italian or English;

E. Any other titles/attachments useful for evaluating previous academic career;

F. In case of lack of a valid residence permit in Italy, certification of Italian language knowledge at level B2 of the Council of Europe or higher (CILS, CELI, Roma3, or PLIDA) issued within the CLIQ (Italian Language Quality Certification) system is necessary. Note: for master's degree courses taught in English, a certified knowledge of that language is required, and in this case, Italian language certification is not a requirement for enrollment.

*For first-level degree courses, if the high school diploma was obtained after a schooling period of fewer than 12 years, to make up for the missing schooling years, it will be necessary to present, as an alternative:

  • The academic certification proving the completion of all exams required for the first or the first two years of university studies, if the school system of the country of origin is eleven or ten years respectively;
  • An official Italian or foreign post-secondary education title obtained in a higher education institution, of a duration of one or two years if the school system of the country of origin is eleven or ten years respectively;
  • Certifications related to the completion of preparatory courses (Foundation Course) that fill the missing schooling years.
    These certifications are subject to the same formalities required for the degree.

**The translation into Italian may be requested at the discretion of the Offices and/or the Evaluation Committee.

***The legalization of documents is not required for Belgium, Denmark, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, France, Ireland (European Convention of Brussels 1987), and Germany (Italian-German Convention 1969); it is also not required for documents that have an electronic/digital verification method (QR code/string of code).