
Professor Francesco Svelto
Professor of Electronics. He has participated in various PRIN, FIRB, and European projects. In 2003, he received the award for the best article published by the leading international journal in microelectronics.
Since 2006, he has been the Scientific Director of a laboratory, jointly operated by the University of Pavia and STMicroelectronics, which hosts approximately 40 researchers and has awarded more than 100 scholarships. He served as the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. He is a Fellow of the International Society of Solid State Circuits.
- Programme (in Italian)
- Strategic Plan (in Italian)
Ms Barbara Pattarini, [email protected], +39 0382 984202

Dr. Emma Varasio
Role: The General Director is responsible for the central administration of the University. Specific competencies include: implementing objectives and programs established by central University Bodies; providing for financial, technical and administrative management; supervising offices and central services; coordination of personnel…
[email protected]
Secretary Ms Laura Sacchi, [email protected], +39 0382 984205

- IT and External Communication: Professor Giampaolo Azzoni
- Education: Professor Silvana Rizzo
- Research: Professor Mauro Freccero
- Third Mission: Professor Hellas Cena
- Internationalization: Professor Antonella Forlino
- Organization, Human Resources and Planning: Professor Pietro Previtali
- Budget: Professor Francesco Svelto
- Teaching Staff and Internal Communication: Professor Tomaso Vecchi
- Delegate of the President for Legal Affairs: Professor Bruno Tonoletti
- “Pre” Orientation: Professor Silvia Figini
- “Intra” Orientation: Professor Elisabetta Rocca
- Placements: Professor Pietro Carretta
- International Research and Ranking: Professor Alessandro Reali
- National Research and Ranking: Professor Elisa Roma
- Medical Health Research: Professor Fausto Baldanti
- Libraries: Professor Cesare Zizza
- Technology Transfer: Professor Hermes Giberti
- Public Engagement: Professor Gabriella Bottini
- Cultural Courses and Events: Professor Federica Villa
- Delegate for the Third Mission in the Seat of Cremona: Professor Fulvia Caruso
- Internationalization in Europe: Professor Matteo Alvaro
- Internationalization in the Americas: Professor Guglielmina Nadia Ranzani
- Internationalization in the Far East: Professor Axel Berkofsky
- Administrative Facilities: Professor Enrica Calleri
- Planning: Professor Alessandro Greco
- Fundraising: Professor Guido Ascari
Role: The Senate is responsible for all planning, development and coordination of didactic and research activity. Specific competencies include: approving University Regulations and amendments; expressing a mandatory opinion on the budget and on the General Director; appointing the Guarantor of Student Rights: approving and deliberating violations of the Code of Ethics.
- President: Professor Francesco Svelto
- Science & Technology Teaching Staff: Professor Riccardo Bellazzi, Professor Antonella Profumo, Professor Giulio Fernando Schimperna, Professoressa Daniela Besana, Professor Giovanni Toscani, Professor Mayra Paolillo, Professor Gianluca Introzzi.
- Life Sciences Teaching Staff: Professor Marco Biggiogera, Professor Roberto Bottinelli, Professor Cristina Montomoli, Professor Rossella Nappi, Professor Antonio Pisani, Professor Serena Bugatti, Professor Claudia Scotti.
- Social Sciences & Humanities Teaching Staff: Professor Luca Vanzago, Professor Claudio Vela, Professor Ian Frank Carter, Professor Eduardo Rossi, Professor Fiammetta Corradi, Professor Andrea Gratteri, Professor Silvia Granata.
- Technical-Administrative Staff: Ms Valentina Micol Gritti, Ms. Michela Comensoli.
- Doctoral Research Courses Representative: Mr Davide Mariani
- Student Representatives: Ms Claudia Aricò, Mr Alessandro Miceli, Ms Francesca Daniel, Ms Francesca Mazzitelli
Role: The Board of Directors is responsible for carrying out functions of strategic guidance and supervision of the financial sustainability of the University’s activities. Specific competencies include: approving the budget; appointing the General Director; approving the call and call proposals of researchers and professors; deliberating on the modification of courses and locations…
- President: Rector Francesco Svelto
- Full Professors: Professor Ferdinando Auricchio, Professor Angelo Guido Corsico, Professor Gabriella Massolini, Professor Marco Missaglia, Professor Elena Molho
- External Components: Ing. Gian Luca Bertino, Professor Martina Corgnati, Dr Valentina Montanari
- Student Representatives: Ms Vittoria Pompilio D’Alicandro, Ms Laura Orecchio
Role: The Student Ombudsman supervises, in the interest and at the request of the students, the correct application of the regulations relating to teaching, the right to study and the students’ career.
Prof. Stefano Govoni, former full professor of Pharmacology at the University of Pavia, will hold the role for the three-year period 2024/2026.
Students of the University of Pavia who intend to present requests to the Student Ombudsman, Prof. Stefano Govoni, can write to: [email protected]
Ombudsman Student Regulation (in Italian)