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FAQ - Current Students

What is the difference between those 2 cards?

Ateneo+ Card: this is the identification card of University of Pavia students. It is a free of charge card that, once activated, can serve various purposes (pay University fees, receive transfers from the University of Pavia, such as tax refunds, scholarships, Erasmus, etc...).

SmartCard UNIPV: this magnetic card allows you to access the following services:
– water dispensers;
– access to the San Tommaso Library;
– access to restrooms located in “Università centrale”;
– access to some restricted areas of the University with controlled access gates.


  1. I am enrolled at the University of Pavia, but I haven’t received the Ateneo+ Card yet. What should I do? Enrolled students usually receive the Ateneo+ Card starting from October. The card is sent to the address provided by students during the registration process. studentsIf you do not receive it, please contact FILO DIRETTO.
  2. My residence is abroad. Can I receive the card at my address in Italy? No, the Ateneo Card+ must be collected at the Student Administration Office ONLY after receiving the notification email.
  3. I am enrolled in a subsequent year after the first one. How can I obtain the Ateneo+ Card? You need to submit a request via your Student PortalReserved area > Menu > Questionnaires > General Questionnaires”. Later, “Banca Popolare di Sondrio'' will send you an email with instructions on how to schedule an appointment for collecting the card.
  4. Am I required to activate the Ateneo+ Card? No, the bank activation of the card is optional, but it offers advantages such as paying university fees without any commissions.
  5. I lost the Ateneo+ Card. What should I do? You can request a duplicate following the instructions on the Ateneo+ Card page.

SmartCard UNIPV

  1. I am enrolled at the University of Pavia, but I haven’t received the SmartCard yet. What should I do?  Enrolled students usually receive the UNIPV SmartCard starting from December. The card is sent to the address provided by students during the registration process. If you do not receive it, please write to [email protected].
  2. My residence is abroad. Can I receive the card at my address in Italy? The UNIPV SmartCard is sent to the Italian address provided during the enrollment process in your Student Portal Reserved Area. If you have changed your Italian address or do not have an Italian address, please write to  [email protected].
  3. I changed my address and I have never received the UNIPV SmartCard. How can I request it? Please write to [email protected] providing your personal information and your new address.
  4. I am enrolled in a subsequent year after the first one. How can I obtain the UNIPV SmartCard? You need to schedule an appointment via specifying that you want to pick up the UNIPV SmartCard.
  5. I lost the UNIPV SmartCard. What should I do? You can request a duplicate by writing to [email protected]. You will need to collect it at the Student Administration Office after receiving the related notification email. If your residence is abroad but you have an Italian address, it will be sent there; otherwise, you will need to pick it up at the Student Administration Office (refer to point 4).

Student Portal Reserved Area credentials and university email address 

  1. What is the registration password? If you have never been enrolled at Unipv, this password is assigned to you when you register on the Student Portal Reserved Area. The credentials to access will be sent to the personal email address that you provided in the registration process (the password is temporary). After your enrollment, you will receive your permanent password.
  2. I have lost my registration password. How can I get a new one? You need to access this web page (University homepage > Registered User Area (Student Portal Reserved Area) > Forgotten Password > Registered user) and follow the recovery instructions as a ‘Registered user’ at the bottom of the page.
  3. During the password recovery procedure, I don't remember my personal email address. What should I do? You need to send an email to [email protected] providing your personal information, including Italian tax code (codice fiscale), and attaching a copy (front and back) of your ID (identity document).
  4. During the password recovery procedure, my tax code is not recognized. What should I do? You need to send an email to [email protected] providing your personal information, including your Italian tax code (codice fiscale), and attaching a copy of your ID (identity document) and your Italian tax code (both front and back).
  5. I am enrolled, how do I access my Reserved Area? Once your enrollment procedure is finalized, a ‘Welcome’ email will be sent to your personal email address; in that email you will be invited to activate your University of Pavia email account starting from the following morning. The username format is [email protected], while the password is the same one obtained during registration). Your credentials for accessing university online services (Student Portal Reserved Area, WiFi, etc...) will be sent to your university email account.
  6. I've forgotten the password to access the Reserved Area. How can I get a new one? You can recover your password by accessing homepage > Registered User Area (Student Portal Reserved Area) > Forgotten Password)

    If you are a student with an active academic career or a closed academic career  due to graduation obtained  less than 2 years before: the new password will automatically be sent to your university email address when you reset it via the following web page. Note: Before proceeding to request the recovery of the password for accessing the university online services, make sure that you can access your university email inbox.
    If you can no longer access your university email and/or it is no longer active, or your academic career was closed before March 2009: send an email to [email protected], attaching a copy (front and back) of your ID (identity document). Your request will be processed within 2 working days.
  7. I've forgotten the password to access my university email account. How can I get a new one? You should send an email to [email protected], providing your personal information, Italian tax code (codice fiscale), and attaching a copy (front and back) of your ID (identity document).
  8. Can I change/reset on my own the password of my university  email address? You can change it from the Gmail settings, accessing with your university email account. If you cannot access your email account, you will need to request a password reset to [email protected].

Loss of student status

  1. What is the ‘loss of student status’?
    The loss of the student status is a condition that implies the permanent closure of the student’s university career. It occurs ex officio. For further information refer to the section “Loss of student status” on this webpage.  
  2. Do I receive a communication before I lose my student status? Yes, you will be notified on your university email account. 
  3. How can I avoid the loss of student status? 

 Find below the steps to follow: 

● Regularize your overdue fees situation by contacting FILO DIRETTO (see the next question);
● Participate in the next exam session (only if you are very close to the end of academic year you can arrange a date directly with a professor);
● Pass an exam and inform the Student Administration Office by writing to FILO DIRETTO

Note: partial exams are not considered valid for avoiding loss of student status. 

  1. How do I regularize my fees?
    Contact the Student Administration Office via FILO DIRETTO to request the billing of overdue fees, considering the following cases based on the duration of the interruption:
    Less than one academic year: you will need to pay the missing tuition fees along with the related penalties;
    More than one academic year: you will need to pay a reintegration fee for each academic year of interruption. Note: if you have paid the first installment of an academic year, before interrupting your studies, you will need to pay the overdue installments along with the corresponding penalties.
  2. Is there any exception to the loss of student status?
    The career of students who have passed all exams except the final graduation will always remain active.
  3. What happens if my career is closed due to loss of student status? Your exams will not be deleted. Therefore, if you wish to enroll again in the same or another degree course, you will be able to request the pre-evaluation of your past career following the instruction provided on this web page.
  4. Can I obtain certifications regarding my loss of student status?
    Yes, you have the right to get certification/self declaration attesting your academic career, including information about the loss of student status.
  1. What is a thesis internship?
    A thesis internship is a research or practical activity conducted as part of the work on your thesis. It should be coordinated with your thesis supervisor, who authorizes it.
  2. Where can I do a thesis internship?
    You can do a thesis internship at either university or external facilities.
  3. Is a thesis internship possible for every course degree?
    There is no predefined list of degree courses for which a thesis internship is a possibility. It depends on the type of thesis and your thesis supervisor.
  4. How do I activate a thesis internship?
    Please check the instructions here
  5. How long can a thesis internship last?
    Unlike an internship, a thesis internship neither  provides training credits nor requires a fixed number of hours. You will need to specify the duration in your request, that can be extended or concluded earlier.
  6. Can I do both an internship and a thesis internship?
    Yes, it is possible, but you must complete them in two different periods. Remember to initiate both activation procedures. 

Interruption and Resumption of Studies

  1. Can I interrupt my studies?
    Please consult the following web page. If the interruption is due to the reasons listed there, complete the request form and send it via FILO DIRETTO. If your situation doesn't fit into any of the cases listed there, you can implicitly interrupt your studies without taking exams or paying fees.
  2. Is there a time limit for interruption?
    The interruption cannot exceed the legal duration of your course.
  3. How can I resume my studies? In order to resume your studies, you need to contact the Student Administration Office, which will calculate the amount you need to pay according to the duration of the interruption.

    Less than one academic year: missing tuition fees along with the related penalties.
    More than one academic year: reintegration fee of 300 euros for each academic year of interruption. Note: if you have paid the first installment of the academic year before interrupting your studies, you will need to pay the overdue installments along with the corresponding penalties.
  4. What happens if the interruption exceeds the legal duration of the course?
  • If you have submitted a request for interruption, your academic career will be closed within the legal duration of the course;
  • If you have an implicit interruption of studies and do not take exams for eight consecutive years, your academic career will be closed due to the loss of student status.
  1. What are the requirements for enrolling as a part time student? You can find all the requirements in the document linked at the bottom of the page, titled “Regolamento per l’iscrizione in regime di tempo parziale”.
  2. How can I enroll as a part time student?
    To apply, you need to submit the following documentation via FILO DIRETTO:
    Application for enrollment as part time student on plain paper.
    Documentation confirming the condition for which you are requesting the part time status.
    The Student Administration Office  will upload an invoice for the 16 Euro revenue stamp fee in the 'Payments' section of your Student Portal Reserved Area.
  3. When can I apply for part time status?
    You can apply to the part time  status within either of the deadlines:
    deadline for enrollment;
    deadline for the registration to the second year as a regular student;
    deadline for the registration to the third year as a regular student for single-cycle study programs.
  4. Which degree courses allow enrollment as part-time student? In the document linked at the bottom of the page titled “Istanza per la richiesta di iscrizione in regime di tempo parziale” you can find the list of degree courses that allow enrollment as part-time student.
  5. I am enrolled as a part-time student, how does the payment of fees work? According to the regulations, the fee will correspond to the ratio between the official duration of the degree course and the years of enrollment as a part-time student.
  6. How should I fill in my study plan if I am enrolled as a part time student? After completing the enrollment as a part-time student, the Student Administration Office will send you the study plan template or the contacts of your course academic coordinator with whom you can arrange it.
  7. If I don't achieve the required number of credits, will my part-time status convert into full time status? No, your part-time status will only convert to full-time status if you do not obtain the degree within the timeframe you have chosen.
  1. What is the ‘Questionario laureandi’?
    Before completing your Graduation Request, you must fill in the ‘Questionario Laureandi’, which is useful for collecting evaluations and opinions related to your university experience that is coming to an end, as well as sharing your Curriculum Vitae (CV) in order to facilitate your transition to your professional career. Details can be found on this web page.
  2. Is it mandatory to register with AlmaLaurea?
    Yes, it is mandatory. You must register with AlmaLaurea in the Student Portal Reserved Area, by clicking on ‘Degree’ and then ‘Registration/Access to AlmaLaurea’.
  3. How do I fill in the AlmaLaurea Questionnaire?
    After clicking on "Registration/Access to AlmaLaurea," proceed with the registration; at the end of this procedure, the system will provide you with AlmaLaurea credentials for future access.
  4. How do I access AlmaLaurea after registration?
    You can access AlmaLaurea in one of the following ways:
    directly from the Student Portal Reserved Area by going to ‘Degree > Registration/Access to AlmaLaurea’. In this case, access to AlmaLaurea does not require additional credentials;
    from the AlmaLaurea website using the credentials received during registration.
  5. Do I need to submit or upload the AlmaLaurea Questionnaire receipt? No, once you have filled in the Questionnaire, you can proceed with the online Graduation Request.
  6. I'm having trouble accessing AlmaLaurea and completing the questionnaire. What should I do?
    For any issues related to the AlmaLaurea platform, you can find contact information and instructions on this web page.
  7. How and where do I fill in the Graduation Request?
    You must complete the Graduation Request online in your Student Portal Reserved Area, under the ‘Degree’ section. You do not need to neither upload it nor send it; simply complete it online. You can find instructions on how to proceed on this web page.
  8. When should I complete the Graduation Request? Where can I find the deadlines?
    You must complete the Graduation Request within the deadlines specified in your course's degree calendar. You can find the calendar on your Department/Faculty's website.
  9. Is it possible to complete the Graduation Request late?
    Only in exceptional cases, for serious and documented reasons, and in agreement with the study course, you can submit a Graduation Request after the set deadlines, but no later than 5 working days before the graduation session. subject to the payment of an extra fee (Art.32 of the Regolamento Carriere Studentesche - Student Career Regulations). If you have any doubts, you can write to FILO DIRETTO.
  10. Do I need to submit any document to the Student Administration Office?
    No, you do not need to submit any document. The Graduation Request and the upload of the thesis in pdf/A format are done entirely online.
  11. By when do I need to make the required payments?
    You must make the payments related to the graduation fees, available in the "Payments" section of the Student Portal Reserved Area, within the deadline specified for the online Graduation Request.
    Some degree courses may require additional fees; you can check on this page,  section "Submission of the Graduation Request".
    IMPORTANT: failure to make the payments within the specified deadline will result in the cancellation of the Graduation Request.
  12. I have completed the Graduation Request online and made the payment, but I still see the session as 'in progress' with an hourglass icon. Why is that?
    The degree award process in the Student Portal Reserved Area is a single process that ends with the upload of the thesis. You will see the hourglass icon until you have finalized the entire procedure and received an email from the Student Administration Office notifying you of your admission to the graduation session of your request.
  13. I'm not interested in the graduation parchment, what should I do?
    To avoid receiving the graduation parchment and paying the related fee, you must send a specific request to the Rector (find it at the bottom of the page) in a free-form letter via FILO DIRETTO.
    Note: If you renounce the graduation parchment, you can still request it to be printed at any time after obtaining your degree.
  14. Do I need to upload only the thesis, or are there other documents required?
    There are some exceptions and specific requirements for certain degree courses. You can find them on this web page, section 'Exceptions and Special cases'.
  15. Where do I upload the thesis file?
    You can upload the thesis file in pdf/A format in the "Attach Thesis" section within the 'Degree' section of the Student Portal Reserved Area, within the deadlines specified in the degree calendar published on your Department/Faculty's website.
  16. How do I convert a file to pdf/A format?
    At the bottom of this page you can find a tutorial on how to convert a pdf file into pdf/A format. If the file you have uploaded does not comply with the pdf/A standard, you can report it via FILO DIRETTO.
  17. I can't find my Supervisor/Co-supervisor's name in the list. What should I do?
    In the Supervisor/Co-supervisor entry window, you only need to enter the last name of the professor and click "Next." If the proposed name is not found in the table, enter the name of another professor and write to FILO DIRETTO for modification.
  18. I want to change the Supervisor/Co-supervisor I previously entered or
    add a Co-supervisor. What should I do?
    Write to FILO DIRETTO, indicating the correct name, within the  deadline set for uploading the thesis.
  19. I need to change the file of my thesis that I have already uploaded. What should I do?
    You must follow these steps:
    - If you want to change the file within the deadline set for uploading the thesis, write to FILO DIRETTO, informing that you want to replace the file. After uploading the new file, you will need to inform your Supervisor of the file change for the new validation.
    Do not send to the Student Administration Office any thesis file, as you must upload it by yourself.
    - If you want to change the file after the deadline set for uploading the thesis, you should proceed with the following steps:
    Correct the file and save it in pdf/A format;
    Write to FILO DIRETTO to receive further instructions. 
  20. My Supervisor has not yet approved the thesis. What should I do?
    If your Supervisor has not approved your thesis within 3 days since you have uploaded it, you should remind him/her, as she/he is in charge of that.
  21. How many copies of the thesis do I need to prepare?
    You should check your degree course's website, on the relevant section or in the academic guide. Otherwise, if you do not find specific instructions, you should contact the Department Teaching Office of your degree course.
  22. I uploaded the Graduation Request but did not receive a confirmation email; what should I do?
    After completing the Graduation Request and uploading the thesis in the Student Portal Reserved Area, the Student Administration Office will review your academic record and confirm your Graduation Request. You will then receive an automatic email informing you about your admission to the graduation session. Normally, the email is sent after the deadline set for uploading the thesis. 
  23. How can I find out my initial score?
    You should check the calculation method on your degree course's student guide. After receiving the confirmation email, you can access the Student Portal ReservedArea in the "Career" > "Booklet" section and check your exam’s grade average and the starting score for your final degree.
  24. Is it possible to bring forward the graduation session?
    Yes, it is possible to bring it forward by no more than one semester. To do this, you need to submit a Request to the Rector with a revenue stamp via FILO DIRETTO, at least two months before your graduation session. You need to wait for the relevant Council approval before submitting the online Graduation Request via the Student Portal Reserved Area. Please remember that for bringing the ceremony forward, you must:
    have no pending second-semester exams to take in your digital booklet;
    pay any fee due before the graduation date.
  25. If I can't graduate in the session I originally chose, what should I do?  When can I cancel my Graduation Request?
    You can cancel your Graduation Request:
    in the Student Portal Reserved Area until the deadline set for uploading the thesis;
    writing to FILO DIRETTO if it's beyond the deadline.
    In both cases, remember to repeat the Graduation Request procedure for registering to a new graduation session.
  26. I have already paid the reimbursement of expenses for obtaining the degree, but I canceled my Graduation Request. What should I do?
    If you have already made the payment, when you proceed with a new Graduation Request , only a €16 revenue stamp will be charged. However, if you cancel the Graduation Request without making the payment, please report it to FILO DIRETTO: missing payments could lead to academic career blockage.
  27. Why do I see two €16 revenue stamps in the 'Payments' section of the Student Portal Reserved Area?
    If you accidentally canceled your Graduation Request and then you submit a new Graduation Request for the same graduation session, the system will generate a new revenue stamp. In this case, you only need to pay one of them and request the cancellation of the other one via FILO DIRETTO.
  28. In the graduation calendar, it says I must close my booklet by a certain deadline. What does it mean?
    Closing your booklet means that you must have all the exams within your study plan registered in your digital booklet, except for the final thesis and any extra exams (that are not required for graduation). 
  29. I have a paper booklet. What should I do?
    You need to submit the paper booklet to the Student Administration Office. You can schedule an appointment via this website. Otherwise, you can send it via postal service.
  30. I have an exam on the same day as the submission of my booklet. Can I register for the graduation session if I pass the exam?
    The date of the exam is what matters. You can register for the graduation session within the specified deadlines if the exam or exams are taken before the booklet submission deadline.
  31. I can't submit the Graduation Request. What should I do?
    You can contact the Student Administration Office by writing via FILO DIRETTO.
  32. How do I access the plagiarism detection service for graduates?
    You can find all the instructions on how to use the plagiarism detection service on this web page.
  1. When will my parchment be available?
    In the section ‘Graduation parchment (Final diploma)’ on the following webpage you can check which parchments are currently available.
  2. Is my parchment sent to my address?
    No, if you want it to be sent to your address, you can only delegate a courier, with a written authorization letter on plain paper and a copy (front and back) of your ID (identity document). The pick up can only be done by appointment on specific days and following the instructions provided in the "Graduation Parchment (Final Diploma)" section on this web page.
  3. Where, how, and when can I collect the graduation parchment?
    You can collect the graduation parchment from the Student Administration Office in Via Sant’Agostino 1, by making an appointment at the "RITIRO PERGAMENE" desk via this website. Note: you do not need university credentials for taking an appointment via the website.
  4. What should I bring to the appointment?
    You need to bring a valid ID. If you graduated before April 30, 2006 (included), you will also need to bring a €16,00 revenue stamp. Note: if you graduated after this date, the payment of the revenue stamp is included in the fee you pay when submitting the online graduation application (Graduation Request).
  5. I graduated in the medical area. What should I bring to the appointment?
    In addition to the items mentioned in the previous questions, you should bring the receipt of the payment related to your professional qualification, that you can find in your Student Portal Reserved Area. Information about the payment and the availability of the diploma will be sent to your university email address.
  6. Why was my appointment canceled?
    There are two possible reasons:
    Your graduation parchment is not available for collection yet → please check which graduation parchments are currently in distribution on this webpage (Graduation parchment section);
    You booked an appointment at the wrong online desk → the correct desk for collecting the diploma is "RITIRO PERGAMENE," and you should book it on this website.
  7. I can't come to collect the diploma. What should I do?
    You can delegate someone else or a courier of your choice to collect it. Please note:
    The person collecting the diploma on your behalf must bring a written authorization letter on plain paper and a copy of your ID;
    The appointment should be made in your name: when booking, in the "reason for the appointment" section, do indicate that a delegated person will collect the diploma.
  8. I've lost my diploma. What should I do?
    It is allowed to request a duplicate of the diploma in case of theft, loss, deterioration or as a result of the change of one's personal data, by submitting a request via FILO DIRETTO.
    Detailed instructions for payments will be provided.
  9. I can't remember if I collected my diploma. What should I do?
    You can ask that writing to FILO DIRETTO.
  10. What  is the kind of information on the diploma?
    The diploma includes your name and date of birth, the name of the course degree you graduated in, the main field of study for the qualification, the details of the ministerial decree (D.M.) approving the classes, and any honors received (summa cum laude). The final grade and the list of passed exams are NOT included.
  11. What other documents can I have that show my final grade and/or the list of my passed exams?
    You can have the following documents based on your needs:
    A self-declaration that you can download directly from your Student Portal Reserved Area > Admissions > Self-declaration;
    A certificate with a revenue stamp, following the specific request procedure that you can find on this webpage;
    A Diploma Supplement, following the specific request procedure that you can find on this webpage.
  1. How and when can I fill in my study plan?
    The study plan must be filled in online by logging in the Student Portal Reserved Area > study plan > career plan > fill in / edit study plan. The time frames for filling in or modifying your study plan are published on this web page.
  2. Will I receive a confirmation email once I will have filled in my study plan?
    Once you finalized filling in your study plan you must click on ‘CONFIRM PLAN’ for submitting and completing the procedure.
    You will receive two confirmation email
    - Confirmation of the study plan submission (immediately after the submission)
    - Confirmation of your study plan implementation (after the deadlines for filling in the study plans set by the University, the Students’ Career Management Office will implement the study plans; your digital booklet will then be updated)
  3. What does it happen if I fill in my study plan after the deadline?
    If you fill in your study plan after the deadline a penalty fee will be generated, but the payment need depends on the type of study plan:
    Variable study plan: if the submission is done within 15 days after the deadline, the amount of the penalty fee is €57, otherwise it is €82.
    Fixed study plan: the system automatically generates a penalty fee, but you don’t have to pay it. Please contact us via FILO DIRETTO (Direct Line) for deleting it.
    Warning: after the deadline, the study plan implementation occurs on a weekly basis. If you have urgent needs, please write to FILO DIRETTO.
  4. What is the difference between fixed and variable study plan?
    Your study plan is fixed if there are no exams you can choose among, and the system only asks you to confirm the proposed list of exams.
    Your study plan is variable if there are exams you can choose among. You might choose among those offered by your course and/or those that are offered by your Department or any other ones offered by the University, but not the ones belonging to the medical and health area with admission regulated at national level.
  5. What’s the difference between elective and extra exams?
    Elective exams are the ones that you must add when you fill in your study plan, usually choosing among the ones offered by your Department. You can also include any other ones offered by the University of Pavia, but not the ones belonging to the medical and health area with admission regulated at national level.
    Extra exams are the ones you can add in your study plan up to max 24 CFUs per academic year. These exams can be chosen from other studies educational offer, but not the ones belonging to the medical and health area with admission regulated at national level. Among the 24 CFUs, if you are enrolled in a Bachelor’s Degree, you can include exams from Master’s programs for the whole study period.
    Extra exams are not to be taken mandatorily for obtaining your final degree.
  6. How and when can I add extra exams?
    ● In the Student Portal Reserved Area: if you are a regularly enrolled student, you can add them during the online (or paper) study plan creation period.
    ● By submitting a free-form request to the Rector (bottom of the page): outside the regular deadlines listed on the website for filling in the study plan, and if you are enrolled as a repeating student or out-of-course student.You can add or modify extra exams (up to a maximum of 24 CFUs per academic year) in your study plan without incurring in a penalty fee until April 30 of the following calendar year.
  7. How can I add in the current academic year study plan an exam that I had added as extra exam in previous academic years?
    If you want to use extra exams from your previous years study plan that are now mandatory in your current year study plan, when filling in your study plan online, you should deselect the extra exam flag and click on 'skip choice'.
    Instead, if you have taken Master's Degree exams in advance during your Bachelor's degree, you should add them in your study plan and then send a 'Generic Exam Validation Request' (in Italian: ‘Convalida esami generica’) through FILO DIRETTO. The revenue stamp fee will be added in your Student Portal Reserved Area under the 'Payments' section.
  8. Can I include extra exams among my elective exams in my study plan?
    Yes, but only if your study plan includes the possibility to choose exams and/or if you have taken exams in advance. In this case, when filling in your study plan, you will be asked to confirm or modify the previous years’ study plan.
    When modifying it, you should:
    ● Confirm all compulsory and chosen exams of the previous study plan;
    ● In the section related to extra exams, remove the flag for the specific exam;
    ● Click on 'skip choice';
    ● Continue filling in the new study plan and add these exams among the compulsory ones.
  9. If I am enrolled as a repeating student due to a lack of required credits earned, can I include extra exams from the following year?
    Yes, you can add up to a maximum of extra 24 CFUs.
  10. Can I add exams from any Department as extra exams?
    Yes, you can add exams from any courses and Department, including exams from courses with limited seats, but not those belonging to the medical and health area with admission regulated at national level and to the psychological area.
  11. Why am I unable to fill in my study plan?
    Several reasons could prevent you from filling in your study plan:
    ● It's not the correct period for filling in the study plan: check on the following web page what are the time frames for filling in the study plan.
    ● You have not paid your University fee: for being able to fill in your study plan you must have paid the first installment of the related academic year.
    ● You are a repeating student: fill in the study plan only if you want to modify the study plan from submitted the previous year.
    ● You are enrolled as a part-time student: write via FILO DIRETTO for receiving the study plan template, if already available, or the contacts of your course coordinator for arranging it.
    ● You are a graduating student: you do not need to create a new study plan.
    ● Your Student Portal Reserved Area is blocked due to missing updated documents: e.g. an outdated sports fitness certificate for Physical Education students, etc.
  12. I am enrolled under condition in a Master's program. Can I fill in my study plan?
    Yes, you can, but the study plan will only be implemented after you will have obtained your Bachelor's Degree. Otherwise, after you will have achieved your Bachelor's Degree and completed the enrollment, you will have 15 days for filling in the study plan online without incurring in any penalty fee.
  13. How can I submit an individual study plan?
    Please refer to the section 'Exceptions: Study plan submitted in paper form' that you can find in the following web page.
  14. How can I modify my study plan?
    You can proceed in different ways depending on your situation:
    ● Regular student: while filling in the study plan, you can modify the choices made in previous years. If you have already submitted the study plan, you must contact FILO DIRETTO to request its cancellation before the deadline for the submission of the study plan.
    ● Graduating student: refer to the 'Exceptions: Study plan submitted in paper form' section that you can find in the following web page.
    ● Repeating student: refer to the 'Exceptions: Study plan submitted in paper form' section that you can find in the following web page.
    It is recommended to check the dates for possible changes in the study plan and the curriculum plan on the following web page.
  15. I replaced an exam in my study plan, but it still appears in my digital booklet. Why?
    This is correct. When you replace an exam, it is removed from your study plan, but it remains visible in your digital booklet as an unplanned exam. You do not need to take it.
  16. How and when can I choose my curriculum?
    You can choose your curriculum when filling in your study plan online.
  17. How and when can I change my curriculum?
    If you want to change your curriculum, you need to send a request to FILO DIRETTO before proceeding with the online filling in of the study plan.
  18. Can I take exams ahead of schedule?
    Yes, you can add them in the current academic year study plan as extra exams, up to a maximum of 24 CFUs. In the following year, when filling in the study plan online, you will have to deselect the extra exam flag and click on 'skip the choice'. You will then find them in the list of the compulsory exams in the correspondent academic year.
  1. How can I book an exam date?
    To enroll for exams you need to access your Student Portal Reserved Area > Exams > Exam sessions. If you are enrolled in a degree course prior to the DM 509/99, you must contact the professors of each of the exams. In these specific cases, the recording process will still be paper-based.
  2. How can I enroll in an exam date?
    You can register for an exam session starting from twenty days before the exam date, till two days before the exam. The exam dates are visible as soon as they are added to the system, but you can only make a reservation from the twentieth day before the exam date. Some Departments may have different registration procedures that could eventually be found  on the departments websites.
  3. I can't register for exams. Why?
    There could be various reasons:
    Study plan: it might be that you haven’t filled in your study plan, or that your study plan hasn’t been implemented yet. In both cases, ask for information via FILO DIRETTO;
    Wrong timing: the registration period is indicated in your Student Portal Reserved Area, usually from the twentieth day up to the second day before the exam date;
    Written test preparatory to the oral exam: in these cases, you should only register for the written test, which can be found in the menu section called "Partial Exams";
    Attendance: the system may detect anomalies, and it might be that you haven’t obtained attendance (for example, you might have attended the lectures of a course, but can't take the exam until the summer session because it's a second-semester course);
    Blocked career: your career may be blocked for various reasons, such as an expired residence permit or an expired medical certificate (for sports science students). In these cases, write to FILO DIRETTO.
  4. Where does the professor publish exam grades?
    The professor publishes all exam results in the Results notice board (accessible in your Student Portal Reserved Area > Exams > Results notice board). You will also automatically receive a notification email when the grades are published.
  5. How can I check my exam grade?
    You can check your exam grade in the email notification you receive when the grade is published. If you accept the grade, there's no need to access your Student Portal Reserved Area.
  6. How can I accept an exam grade?
    Acceptance via your Student Portal ReservedArea is optional. According to the "tacit approval" rule, if you don't respond, the grade is considered accepted and will be recorded in your academic career. However, we recommend you to access the “Results notice board” to verify that the indicated grade (which will be then recorded in your academic career) is correct.
  7. How can I reject an exam grade?
    To reject an exam grade, you need to log in to your Student Portal Reserved Area. You have 5 calendar days (including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) to reject the grade (simply select the grade icon and reject it).
  8. Why can't I see my grade on the “Results notice board”?
    If you haven't received an email notifying you of the publication of your exam grade, it means that the professor has not published the grade yet. In case of an extreme delay in the publication, you can ask the professor for information.
  9. The grade published on the “Results notice board” is incorrect. What should I do?
    Within the 5-day acceptance/rejection period, contact the professor to request a correction. If you don't receive a response, reject the grade (still within the 5 days) and report the issue to the professor and the Student Administration Office (Segreteria Didattica) of your course degree (usually located inside the Department). This way, the professor won't be able to record an incorrect grade and will ensure the correct recording.
  10. I no longer see my grade on the “Results Notice Board”, and it hasn't been registered. What should I do?
    If 30 days have passed since the grade was published on the “Results Notice board”, and the professor has not registered it yet, the grade is no longer visible. However, this doesn't mean that it has been deleted and it can’t be registered anymore. Promptly contact the professor because they are responsible for applying a digital signature to the report that allows the system to register the grade.
  11. The professor claims to have registered the grade, but I can't see it. Why?
    It is possible that you have to pay some fees or your residence permit is expired. Unpaid fees and extra fees or an expired residence permit prevent the registration of grades. Write to FILO DIRETTO for assistance in this case.
  1. What do I need to do to renew my enrollment?
    To renew your enrollment, you need to pay the first installment that you find in the "Payments" section of your Student Portal Reserved Area before the deadline. Once the payment is automatically processed, your enrollment will be finalized. 
  2. Can I renew my enrollment after the deadline?
    If you pay after the deadline, you will be required to pay an extra fee of €82, which is reduced by 30% if paid within 15 days from the deadline. 
  3. The extra fee shows a past date, is it correct?
    The extra fee has a fictitious deadline related to the start of the academic year in question. Until the extra fee is paid, you won't be able to record any academic events (e.g. passed exams won't appear in your digital booklet).
  4. I plan to graduate by April next year. Do I need to renew my enrollment?
    If you graduate by April, you won't need to pay the fees for the new academic year. Detailed information for students about to graduate is available in the box at the bottom of the page. 
  5. How can I make the payment for the fees?
    You should pay your fees via PagoPA. Invoices can be found in the "Payments" section of your Student Portal Reserved Area. You can review the different payment methods on this web page. 
  6. Why can't I see the enrollment fee to be paid?
    There could be various reasons:
    Irregular fees from the previous academic year;
    Payment of the last installment from the previous academic year made after 15/06;
    Loss of student status;
    Resuming studies after a career interruption.
    In all these cases, contact FILO DIRETTO.
  7. Do I need to meet specific requirements to be admitted to subsequent years?
    Some study programs have specific requirements for progressing to the next years of the program. Verify the details on this web page.
  8. I am enrolled as a repeating student. What does that mean? Being enrolled as a repeating student means that you either haven't obtained all the attendance signatures or you haven't met the requirements for admission to the next year, such as achieving a certain number of ECTS credits.
  9. What are the implications of my enrollment as a repeating student? If you are registered as a repeating student, you won't be able to take exams from the following year's program. In case you haven’t acquired the required attendance signatures, you are obligated to attend the classes again.
  10. I was assigned an OFA, but I didn't pass it. Can I enroll in the second year?
    If you don't pass the OFA within the time frame established by your course degree, you won't be able to enroll in the second year. Consequently, you will be enrolled as a repeating student in the first year.

Graduating students 

1. If I graduate by April 2025, do I need to pay the first installment for the academic year 2024/25?
If you are certain that you will graduate in the academic year 2023/24 (by April 30, 2025), you do not need to pay the enrollment fee for the academic year 2024/25. For more information, visit the dedicated web page (section Enrollment for Graduands students).

2. If I graduate by April 2025, do I need to authorize the university to access my ISEE?
We recommend that you still authorize the university to obtain your ISEE 2024 certificate, just in case you don't manage to obtain your degree by April 2025.

 3. What happens if I don't graduate by April 2025?
If you do not obtain your degree by April 30, 2025, you will be required to pay the comprehensive fee for the entire academic year, calculated based on the submitted ISEE or at the maximum rate (in case you are not eligible for the 75% exemption).

4. If I don’t graduate on time and I end up enrolling in the academic year 2024/25 after the deadline, will I have to pay an extra fee on the first installment?
An extra fee on the first installment will not be charged if, by December 31, 2024, you are missing a maximum of 24 ECTS credits (excluding the final thesis).

5. If I don’t graduate on time and I end up enrolling in the academic year 2024/25 after the deadline, will I have to pay an extra fee e on the past installments?

If by December 31, you are missing only 24 ECTS credits (excluding the final thesis), you will have 15 days, starting from the payment of the first installment, to pay the overdue installments to avoid incurring  extra fees. 

6. Can I request a 75% exemption from fees?

To request the 75% exemption, you need to:

- before making the payment of the first installment, submit via Filo Diretto (Direct Line) a written request on plain paper (find the template at the bottom of the page);

- enroll in the new academic year once all the activities in your study plan have been recorded (no later than April 30, 2025), and in any case, by July 12, 2025.

To obtain the 75% exemption, you must meet the following requirements:

- Pass and record all exams and/or other mandatory academic activities specified in your study plan by April 30, 2025.

- Obtain your degree by September 30, 2025 (December 15, 2025, for healthcare degrees).

  1. How and when can I withdraw from my studies?
    You can permanently close your career at our University at any time of the year, provided you are up to date with the payments of your university fees. To submit a withdrawal request, log in your  Student Portal Reserved Area>  'Career' > 'Cancel enrollment', fill in the required information, and pay the 16.00 Euro revenue stamp, which will be added to the 'Payments' section. The Student Administration Office will finalize the closure of your career within a few days.
  2. I want to enroll at another university. When can I do that?
    Once you've submitted the withdrawal request online, confirmed that you paid all your university fees, and paid the revenue stamp, you can immediately proceed with the enrollment at another university. If you enroll at a public University, you won't need to provide any documents related to your withdrawal. A self-certification will be sufficient, if required.
  3. How can I obtain a document confirming the withdrawal?
    The university provides two documents for this purpose:
    Automatic Receipt: at the end of the process, a statement is generated, which does NOT need to be sent to our University's Administration Office;
    Self-certification: you can download it via your Student Portal Reserved Area > Admissions > Self-declarations > Self certification enrollment years with exams.
    Please note: You can request certifications or print the self-certification only for academic years for which you have fully paid your university fees.
  4. Do I need to have fully paid my university fees to apply for a withdrawal?
    Yes, you need to have fully paid your university fees and have no outstanding debts with EDISU, the institution that provides scholarships and other benefits.
  5. Will I lose the exams I’ve taken if I withdraw?
    If you submit a withdrawal request from your studies and subsequently re-enroll at our University, your exams won't be lost, and you can request their validation. When enrolling at other universities, inquire about the possibility of having your exams validated.
  6. How can I resume my studies after a withdrawal?
    If you wish to resume your studies in the future, you can do so in two different ways:
    Pre-evaluation of your past academic record: if you want to attempt admission to subsequent academic years beyond the first year, follow the procedure provided on the following webpage;
    First year enrollment: if you don't have a sufficient number of credits to be enrolled in the second year, consult the relevant enrollment procedure for the first year. Afterward, complete the form provided below and send it as an attachment via FILO DIRETTO. You will find the payment request for a revenue stamp in the 'Payments' section of your Student Portal Reserved Area.
  1. How can I initiate a curricular internship?
    Curricular internships are intended to be undertaken during your studies. The procedure is managed by the Student Administration Office and is carried out via the Almalaurea Platform. To proceed, you need to follow the instructions provided on this webpage.
    Please note:
    For students enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering, it's necessary to have acquired a minimum number of credits before submitting the application:
    Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale: at least 129 ECTS;
    Ingegneria Industriale: at least 132 ECTS;
    Ingegneria Elettronica e informatica: at least 138 ECTS;
    Bioingegneria: at least 138 ECTS;
    Ingegneria edile-architettura: at least 141 ECTS

    All the steps will be communicated to the student and the company tutor via email;

    There's no need to previously contact a professor: every department has designated some professors to receive internship proposals automatically.
  2. Where can I undertake a curricular internship? You can complete your curricular internship in any company that is already affiliated or can establish an affiliation with Almalaurea. Refer to this page for information about affiliated companies and organizations, and this page to view job postings on Almalaurea.
  3. What should I do at the end of the internship?
    You should download the final questionnaire, automatically generated by the system, and send it to the Student Administration Office via FILO DIRETTO, unless your degree course requires other specific documents.

    Please note: the company should enter any changes on Almalaurea in time (extension, early closure, suspension, change of terms, etc.). If the company can't do this, you should report it by writing to FILO DIRETTO.
  4. How can I initiate an internship within an LM+ program?
    You should follow the instructions provided on this webpage.
  5. Can I undertake a curricular internship within a Unipv facility?
    Yes, it's possible to undertake a curricular internship in university facilities such as laboratories, libraries, etc. To initiate it, you can write to FILO DIRETTO.
  6. What is an extra-curricular internship and how can I initiate it?
    An extra-curricular internship is a post-graduate internship, and its activation procedure is similar to the curricular internship one, but it's overseen by the COR instead of the Students Administration Office. The activation procedure is completed via the Almalaurea platform. To proceed, you should follow the instructions provided on this web page.

    Please note: "extra-curricular" does not refer to an internship outside of your study plan and that the related credits are not required to obtain your degree, but it simply indicates an internship undertaken after graduation.
  7. What is a professionalizing internship, and how can I initiate it?
    A professionalizing internship is aimed at professional qualification post-graduation and is regulated by agreements with various Professional Orders (pharmacists, psychologists, accountants, etc.). To activate it, you should contact the Department Student Office (Segreteria Didattica) of your department/faculty.
  8. Can I get validated work experience that I've already undertaken?
    Yes, after completing the activity, you should send to the relevant professor a detailed report about the work performed (hours/days, tasks, relevance to your degree course, etc.). The professor will decide whether to recognize the activity or not.

    Please note: it's better if the company itself writes the report, along with a brief assessment of the student.