After completing the "Graduating Students Questionnaire" (following the instructions below) on your Student Portal, you will be able to fill out the "Graduation Request" within the deadline set by your Department/Faculty.
Before proceeding with your graduation application, it is essential that you complete the Graduating Students Questionnaire.
What is the Graduating Students Questionnaire and why is it useful?
1- The purpose of the Graduating Students Questionnaire is to collect evaluations and feedback on the graduating student's experience in order to monitor the student's progress and to analyse the characteristics and performance of graduates in order to improve the University's educational provision. The results of the research can be consulted here
2- To obtain the student's Curriculum Vitae (CV) in order to facilitate their entry into the job market: in this perspective, the student can agree to make their CV visible to bodies and companies that request it from the University's Careers Advisory Service. The visibility of the CV can be customised: the student can decide which information to make visible to companies and modify it whenever he/she wishes, which job offers to apply for and which messages to receive. It is important to keep your CV up to date, even in English.
How to Complete the Graduating Students Questionnaire
- Access your reserved area, click on the "Degree“ option and then select "Registration/Access to Almalaurea" from the menu on the left.
- Proceed with the registration on Almalaurea; on completion of this operation, the system will assign you Almalaurea login details that will be needed for future logins.
- Once the registration is complete, fill in the GRADUATE QUESTIONNAIRE and print the receipt, which must be presented to the Student Secretariat along with the APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO THE GRADUATE EXAM and the thesis.
- To continue with the completion of the degree application, you will need to log in again to access your reserved area.
How to access the AlmaLaurea website after registration
Directly from your Reserved Area by following the path CONSEGUIMENTO TITOLO > Registrazione/Accesso Almalaurea; in this case, access to the Almalaurea site does not require additional credentials.
From the Almalaurea website, using the credentials obtained from the Almalaurea system at the time of registration.
1. Select the voice “Conseguimento titolo” in your Student Portal;
2. Fill out all the pages that you see.
3. Complete the payments for the Graduation’s Admission in the “payments” section of your Student Portal.
- 116,00 Euro (for the print of your Diploma, Graduation fees and the 16 euro for the virtual duty stamp);
- 215,00 Euro only for graduating students of the Medical Area (it includes 115 euro for the State Exam’s contribution).
ATTENTION: Soon-to graduate medical students who already had their TPV (tirocinio pratico valutativo) validated are requested to pay the graduation abilitation fee (laurea abilitante) in their reserved area on Esse3-section payments – this is required 5 days before the graduation date
Without these payments it will not be possible to validate your Graduation Request.
- Graduating students of all Bachelor’s Degrees in Engineering do not have to submit a written paperwork, and in case of a short thesis it will be named “Relazione discussa in sede di esame finale”. It has to be sumbitted directly to the Commission during the Graduation exam. For more information please visit the following links of the Engineering Faculty’s website:
- Information about the courses of the Musicology and Cultural Heritage are available HERE.
- Graduating students of the single cycle Master’s Degree course in Law must send through our FILO DIRETTO the declaration, signed by the Supervisor, showing the completion of relevant didactic activities that are connected to the preparation of the thesis, if compulsory within the student’s study plan and not traceable in other ways.
- Graduating students of the single cycle Master’s Degree course in Pharmacy with the option on experimental thesis must send through our FILO DIRETTO the declaration, signed by the Supervisor, showing the completion of relevant didactic activities that are connected to the preparation of the thesis.
- Graduating students of all Political Sciences Master’s Degrees must send the thesis title deposit paper, to [email protected].
1. Indicate the final title of your thesis and its English translation
2. Indicate the name of your Supervisor and Co-Supervisors (if needed)
3. Fill out a brief abstract of the contents of your thesis, both in Italian and English
4. Upload the abstract file and the thesis file in pdf/A format (instructions about conversion). When the thesis is uploaded, the Supervisor will receive a notification, in order to proceed with the validation.
ATTENTION: within your Department/Faculty’s deadlines the final verson of your thesis must be uploaded only in the pdf/A format. Your Supervisor must validate it within 3 days.
Those who are still in possession of the paper-based exams’ transcript, released during the immatriculation process, must submit or send it to the Students’ Affairs Office within the thesis submission’s deadline.
In case of a delay/postponment of the Graduation’s Exam, it is necessary to delete the Graduation’s Admission Request, within your Department/Faculty’s deadlines, accessing in your Reserved Area and using the specific function. Students are requested to send another Request for the Exam’s Session in which they want to Graduate. In this case, further payments will not be requested, except the 16 euro duty stamp’s virtual payment for the new Request.
The Final Degree Diploma is requested at the time of submitting the graduation application on your student area. It does not show the grades achieved in the exams nor the final graduation grade, but it specifies the class of the degree (as per Ministerial Decree) to which the course of study belongs, the details of the mentioned Ministerial Decree approving the classes and any honors awarded.
The Final Diploma is not immediately available after graduation: currently are being distributed diplomas of graduates until 30 April 2024, academic year 2022/23.
The Graduation Parchment Distribution Desk is located in via Sant'Agostino 1 and receives by appointment only. Please bear in mind that after having booked your appointment, it is necessary to wait for the confirmation email.
At the appointment, the person concerned must show identification and, in case of proxy to a third party, the written authorization on plain paper and f/b copy of the delegating person's ID.
For degrees awarded up to and including April 30, 2006, a €16.00 revenue stamp is required.
The Graduation Parchment Distribution Desk does not ship the diplomas. It remains possible for interested person to delegate a courier to pick up the document, following the instructions above (request for appointment and delegation to a third party).
It is allowed to request a duplicate of the diploma in case of theft, loss, deterioration or as a result of the change of one's personal data, by submitting an request via this link.
- Virtual appointment
- Desk in-person
Tuesday 9/12
Humanities Area
Via Sant’Agostino 1 – 27100 Pavia
Scientific Area
Via Ferrata 5 – 27100 Pavia