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Students enrolled in or graduated from an Italian university

Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to watch the dedicated VIDEO TUTORIAL.

  • Log in to the Student Portal of the University of Pavia and register to obtain your Username and Password. If you already have the credentials, log in directly. In case of loss or malfunction of the password, you can write, attaching an identity document, to [email protected].
  • Continue the guided procedure by entering the information requested by the system.
  • Indicate, where required, the course for which you are requesting evaluation.
  • Enter in the online procedure all the exams for which you want to request evaluation, filling out the "Self-declared Exams" section (ATTENTION: only the exams entered in this section will be evaluated, and exams indicated on other attached documentation will not be evaluated). Specifically:
  1. In the case of an Integrated Course (composed of multiple modules), enter, for each module: the name of the Integrated Course followed by the name of the individual module, CFU, and the scientific-disciplinary sector (SSD) of that module, and the final grade obtained for the entire course (DO NOT enter partial grades). The CFU of a single module will only be evaluated if the entire course of which the module is part has been passed.
  2. In case of only attendance of an exam, it will be possible to indicate the academic year and the date of attendance by indicating "attended" in the "judgment" field of the online procedure;
  3. In case of exams already validated from previous careers, it is necessary to indicate the exam of the original career by entering: the date of the exam and the university where the exam was first taken.
  4. In case of exams taken in pre-reform careers (DM 509/99), which do not provide for the indication of CFU and SSD, enter:
  • "0" (zero) CFU in the "credits/value" field
  • in the "SSD description" filter type "undefined"
  • move to the "scientific-disciplinary sector (SSD)" field and select the item "[NN] - Undefined/Interdisciplinary" from the drop-down menu.
  • For students with careers carried out at other universities (not Unipv), continue the procedure by attaching:
  • The personal study plan related to the career(s) to be evaluated
  • The program (Syllabus) with the course description of each declared exam.
  • Pay the fee of 51.00 Euros, downloadable at the end of the procedure or in the PAYMENTS section of your reserved area.

Attention: Without payment, the evaluation will not be carried out.

The offices will communicate the evaluation results of the designated committee (with the indication of the validated exams and the year of admission) to the email indicated by the student during registration, along with the methods and deadlines to finalize the enrollment.

If any or part of the requested documents are missing or not compliant, the evaluation request will be REJECTED. It will be possible to submit a new request in the manner described above.

Before proceeding with enrollment, please carefully check the evaluation result.

Self-certifications of Academic Career


Students with a previous Master's career, who request a preliminary career evaluation for the potential recognition of exams and access to years beyond the first, must follow the procedure of the Unified Competition for enrollment in open-admission Master's degrees.

Once the procedure is completed, the candidate is assigned the competition status "under evaluation" and must pay the fee of 51.00 Euros available in their Reserved Area (Secretariat – Payments). The submitted career is evaluated by the Commission only after the fee has been paid.

After the evaluation, the candidate receives the outcome and instructions for proceeding with enrollment and the validation of exams (for more detailed information, see the "Assignment of Status""Under Evaluation" section on the Unified Competition page for open-admission Master's degrees).

Before proceeding with enrollment, please carefully check the evaluation result.

Open-admission Master's degrees - Mandatory Unified Competition

Bachelor's, Master's degrees and Vocational programs with limited (local or national) admission provide specific notices indicating the procedures, deadlines, and available spots for submitting the evaluation request.

Attention: the notices for the academic year 2024/25 will be published before the evaluation windows open.

A.Y. 2023/24

Before proceeding with enrollment, please carefully verify the outcome of the evaluation.

Log in to the Student Portal of the University of Pavia and register to obtain a Username and Password.
If you already have the credentials, log in directly. If you have lost your password or it is not functioning, you can write, attaching an ID document, to [email protected].
Continue with the guided procedure by entering the information requested by the system.
Specify, where required, the program for which you are requesting the evaluation.
Enter in the online procedure all the exams for which you want to request evaluation, completing the section "Self-Declared Exams" (NOTE: only exams entered in this section will be evaluated, and exams listed in other attached documents will not be evaluated), specifically:

  • For an Integrated Course (composed of multiple modules), enter, for each module: the name of the Integrated Course followed by the name of the individual module, CFU and scientific disciplinary sector (SSD) of that module, and the final grade obtained for the entire course (DO NOT enter partial grades). The CFU of a single module will only be evaluated if the entire course of which the module is part has been completed.
  • If you have only attended an exam, it is possible to indicate the academic year and the date of attendance by stating "attended" in the "grade" field of the online procedure.
  • For exams already validated from previous careers, it is necessary to specify the exam from the original career by entering: the date of the exam and the university where the exam was first taken.
  • For exams taken in pre-reform careers (DM 509/99), which do not specify CFU and SSD, enter:
    • "0" (zero) CFU in the "credits/value" field
    • in the "SSD description" filter, type "undefined"
    • move to the "scientific disciplinary sector (SSD)" field and choose "[NN] - Undefined/Interdisciplinary" from the dropdown menu.
  • For students with careers completed at other universities (not Unipv), continue the procedure by attaching:
  • The personal study plan related to the career(s) to be evaluated
  • The program (Syllabus) with a description of the course content for each declared exam

Pay the fee of 51.00 Euros, which can be downloaded at the end of the procedure or in the PAYMENTS section of your Reserved Area.

Attention: Without payment, the evaluation will not be carried out.

At the end of the evaluation by the designated commission, an automatic email notification will be sent to the email address provided during registration.

The student must then:

  • Log in to the Student Portal of the University of Pavia.
  • Here, you can view the evaluation result and accept or reject it.
  • If the result is accepted, you can proceed with enrollment in the course according to the standard procedures for first-year students (online enrollment).
  • Once enrollment in the course is completed, the offices, after the necessary checks, will record the recognitions and admission year in the student's career.
    Before proceeding with enrollment, please carefully verify the evaluation result.

Enroll in a Bachelor's or Single-Cycle Master's Degree

It is allowed to submit an integration for an evaluation request:

  • If the fee of 51.00 euros has already been paid, a new evaluation request must be submitted.
  • If the fee of 51.00 euros has not been paid, it is necessary to request, through Filodiretto, the cancellation of the preliminary evaluation procedure and resubmit the request.

Alternatively, once enrolled, it is possible to submit a request for exam validation via Filodiretto (however, the admission year will not be modified).

An adjustment request for a decision received can only be submitted in properly documented and justified cases, by making a request through Filodiretto (the correction request will require a stamp duty).