Alias Identity Activation
The University, with Academic Senate decision n. 86/2022 of 19 April 2022, provides for the students who make the request the possibility of activating an Alias Identity in order to allow them to exercise their gender self-determination rights.
What is it?
The Alias identity is a name selected by the student to exercise his or her gender self-determination. Once the Alias identity has been activated, it will no longer be possible to trace it back to the original name and the student will be recognized only with the new selected name: they will get a new ID badge and a new university e-mail address. The student area will be updated accordingly and he/she will register for exams with the new Alias identity.
The Alias identity is valid only within the University of Pavia. In the event that the applicant wishes to perform activities within the University with an external relevance (such as internships or taking part in mobility exchange programmes), they will have to notify this intention to the coordinator, who will verify the legitimacy of the use of the Alias identity. Certificates and self-certificates, as documents having external validity, will refer only to the legal name.
How to activate it
Activation of the Alias identity can be requested at any time during the student’s academic career and does not involve any fee for the applicant. To obtain the Alias identity, the student needs to fill int a request and sign the Reservation Agreement (in Italian: Accordo di Riservatezza) with the University.
The completed documentation must be sent to the email address: [email protected]
Signing the agreement will result in the activation of the Alias identity, which will remain valid for the duration of the student university career in Pavia.